(affissione all'Albo Ufficiale dal 08/04/2015 al 10/04/2015)

Corso di laurea 1° livello in Economia Aziendale - classe L-18

Public Economics and Economic History
(3° Anno)

On Friday April 10th  from  10:15 to 11.15  Prof. Samek will lecture on the final part of the course on taxation and the students Bossi, Gasparoli, Cecchi, Riva (?) and Lentini (?) will present their papers.
The seminar on 'Climate, common good. A dialogue between the physical science basis and the economics of climate change',  by  Dr. Alessandra Goria, is scheduled on April 10th from 11:30 to 13:00 and on April 14th from 10:30 to 13:00.
Manuela Samek (msamek@irsonline.it<mailto:msamek@irsonline.it)


Castellanza, mercoledì 8 aprile 2015La Segreteria della Scuola