A83022 India in the World Economy

Scuola di Economia e Management
Academic Year 2016/17 Second Semester

Learning Objectives

The aim of this short course is to introduce India to the students. The approach will be an interdisciplinary one. The instructor composition testifies this: one economist, one anthropologist and one engineer.

Learning targets

Course Content

The recent economic evolution (Rodolfo Helg) (presentation)

India  and its subcontinent: an anthropological perspective  (Dipak Pant)

India: its history and cultural heritage (Narinder Sharma)

Indian business success stories (Narinder Sharma)

Course Delivery

This short course is organized around the lectures by the instructors and the class presentation by the students.

Course Etiquette

In your own interest and of your colleagues, please strictly observe the following courtesy rules:

1. Arrive in class on time; do not leave early without prior explicit instructor’s approval
2. Keep your mobiles off; do not chat with your classmates
3. Laptops are allowed only for taking notes
4. Do not wander in and out of the classroom
5. Hand in assignments (if any) on time. No late submissions are allowed.
6. You are expected to be honest in your academic work. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated and will be rigorously prosecuted.

Course Evaluation

Students evaluation will be based on their class participation and on a short paper and related class presentation.  Topics and bibliography for the paper and class presentation will be suggested by the lecturers.


Session 0
Hours of lesson: 0


1) The recent economic evolution (Rodolfo Helg) (presentation)

2) India  and its subcontinent: an anthropological perspective  (Dipak Pant)

3) India: its history and cultural heritage (Narinder Sharma)

4) Indian business success stories (Narinder Sharma)


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