Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2007/08

Human Resources Management
Aim of the course
The learning objective of the course is to provide a methodological reference framework for managing human resources in a manner that is consistent with enterprise policies and strategies, and suitable for situations of high organisational complexity. This is followed by an examination of the fundamental working methods for personnel management. The ability to manage human resources is considered to be an essential general management skill, also for those who operate in other corporate functions.
The learning objectives of the course are therefore:
a) To provide a reference framework for understanding complex organisations, their decision-making processes and the importance of aspects relating to the development of intellectual capital and organisational learning.
b) To furnish a coherent set of tools and working methods for human resources management, with emphasis on both the planning and application aspects.
c) More indirectly, to equip students with a number of instruments for enhancing the effectiveness of their organisational behaviour.

Part one - Organisational complexity: modes of interpretation, design and intervention
- Criteria for interpreting organisational complexity
- The concept of intellectual capital and its application
- Models of rationality and decision-making rationales. Role of the manager in the decision-making process
- Leadership and management models
- Advanced methods for analysis, design and organisational intervention
Part two - Working methods for personnel management
- Organisational and professional competencies
- Remuneration and incentive policies
- Assessment methods and systems
- Recruitment
- Training and organisational development
- Information systems and Internet networks in personnel management
- Trade union relations and negotiation processes
- Planning, personnel budget and cost-of-labour analysis
- Evaluating and measuring the results of the personnel function
Assessment will be by oral examination at the end of the course. There will also be written progress tests during the course, reserved for students who attend lectures.
Reading list
This will be supplied at the start of the course