Student guide Faculty of Engineering A.Y. 2007/08

Organisational Systems
Aim of the course
The course covers the fundamental elements of organisational design and organisational systems, with particular emphasis on the fundamental functions and roles of the organisation, and on the systems for managing human resources and employee relations. Students will thus acquire a basic toolkit for tackling the problems relating to human resources management within a company.
Business Economics and Organisation

Presentation of the course.
The organisation as a system of relationships and communication.
The organisation as a part of the company, as an activity, as a theory.
Theories of the organisation.
Forms of organisation: elementary, bureaucratic, divisional, matrix, adhocracy.
The mechanical and organic system.
Fundamental principles of business organisation.
Design of the macro structure and organisational models. Tutorial. Decentralisation of an organisational unit and design of the intermediate level units.
Lateral links and the human factor.
Vertical and horizontal decentralisation.
The design of functions and of professional roles.
The organisation and the information system. - Leadership. - Coaching. - Interpersonal communication.
Personnel management. - Management of human resources. - Planning of resources.
Evaluation systems. - Remuneration.
The new labour market and the Biagi law.
Occupational law. - Employment contracts.
There will an oral examination.
Reading list
Reference textbooks
Rebora G., Manuale di Organizzazione Aziendale, Il Mulino, Bologna
Mintzberg H., La Progettazione dell'Organizzazione Aziendale, Il Mulino, Bologna
Slides and study materials supplied during lectures.
Further reading
Varchetta G., La Solidarietà Organizzativa, Guerini 1993.
Shein E.H., Cultura d'Azienda e Leadership, Guerini & Associati 1990.
Butera F., Dalle Occupazioni Industriali alle Nuove Professioni, Angeli 1987
Chiaromonte F., Nuove Forme di Organizzazione del Lavoro, Angeli 1975
Costa G., Economia e Direzione delle Risorse Umane, Utet, Torino 1997