Student guide Faculty of Engineering A.Y. 2008/09

Technical Physics
Aim of the course
The course is divided into two parts. The first consists of an introduction to thermal exchange phenomena, that will enable students to frame and resolve simple engineering problems. The second part is the natural continuation of the Thermodynamics course, and provides the theoretical foundations necessary for computing the energy balances of the machinery and plant typically encountered by engineers in the management of industrial facilities.
Thermodynamics and Energetics, Mathematical Analysis I and II, General Physics.
Part 1: Transmission of heat.
Introduction to the transmission of heat. Model of a continuous medium in local thermodynamic equilibrium. Thermal equilibrium. Specific heat flow. Modes of heat exchange.
Heat exchange by conduction. Fourier Law. Thermal conductivity. General equation of conduction. Boundary conditions and initial conditions. Solution of one-dimensional problems in plane and cylindrical geometry, in stationary state, without heat sources. Analogy with electrostatics. Finned surfaces. Solution of simple non-stationary problems.
Heat exchange by radiation. Black body radiation. Planck Law. Emissive power. Stefan-Boltzmann Law. Emissivity of a surface. Radiative properties of bodies: absorption, reflexion and transmission. Radiative exchange between black and grey surfaces. View factors. Radiation shields.
Heat exchangers. Types of heat exchangers. Global exchange coefficient and thermal resistance due to formation of scale. Parallel flow exchangers: co-flow, counterflow. Average temperature difference; calculation of exchanged power.
Part 2: Applied thermodynamics.
Properties of moist air. Moisture and temperature.
Energy balances and entropy of systems open to mass flow (review) and their application to the components of heat engines: laminar flow valves, mixers, exchangers, boilers, condensers, pumps, compressors, turbines.
Steam thermoelectric power plants. Rankine Cycle: thermodynamic analysis, plant-engineering diagram, types of plant, performance.
Gas thermoelectric power plants. Joule-Brayton cycle: thermodynamic analysis, plant-engineering diagram, types of plant, performance.
Otto and Diesel cycles. Reciprocating engines. Otto and Diesel cycles: thermodynamic analysis, types of constructions, performance.
Refrigeration systems. Compression refrigeration cycle: thermodynamic analysis, refrigerant fluids, plant-engineering diagram, performance.
There will be a written exam followed by a brief oral discussion. The written exam will include both theoretical questions and exercises on applied thermodynamics and heat exchange.
Reading list
Reference textbooks
Guglielmini G., Pisoni C., Introduzione alla trasmissione del calore, C.E.A., Milano, 2002.
Cornetti G., Macchine termiche, Ed. Il Capitello, Torino 1989.
Beretta G.P., Lezzi A.M., Pilotelli M., Raccolta di temi d'esame svolti di Fisica Tecnica, Edizioni Cartolibreria Snoopy, Brescia, 2004.
Guglielmini G., Nannei E., Pisoni C., Problemi di termodinamica tecnica e di trasmissione del calore, ECIG, Genova 1993.
Further reading
Mastrullo R., Mazzei P., Vanoli R., Termodinamica per Ingegneri. Applicazioni, Liguori Editore, Napoli, 1996.