Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2008/09

English Language /BEC
Aim of the course
The English course (1st and 2nd semesters of year 1 of the second-level degree course) is a natural continuation of the learning pathway started during the three-year degree syllabus.
The goal, within this framework of educational continuity, is for all students of specialty degree courses to earn an accredited language certificate that is appropriate to their subject and prospective professional outlets, and visible in their curriculum.
For the Faculty of Economics, the certification that best answers these requirements is the Cambridge BEC (Business English Certificate), which is divided into 3 levels - Preliminary, Vantage and Higher.
The faculty will therefore direct students toward the most suitable BEC course, taking into account both their current level of knowledge and any certificates already obtained. Other qualifications, provided they are accredited, will of course be taken into account to ascertain their equivalence and validity.
Please note in this connection that Cattaneo University is an official examination centre for the University of Cambridge English language and TOEFL courses, now offered in a new internet-based format.
Students are therefore invited to contact the lecturers at the Language Centre to discuss their individual cases and obtain further information. There are in fact extra tutoring sessions and further study modules available, which students can take alongside the official course.