Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2008/09

Enterprise Information Systems
Aim of the course
The course equips students with the knowledge and tools necessary for understanding corporate information systems, not just from a technological perspective, but also with an eye to the organisational and strategic implications that make them a fundamental instrument for the development of a business. The principal learning objectives are summarised below:
1. To provide a thorough grounding in the design of corporate information systems.
2. To further investigate the problems of managing an information system in a corporate setting.
3. To examine the business transformations deriving from the adoption of Internet-based technologies.
At the end of the course, students will have acquired the managerial skills necessary for understanding the impact and potentialities of new information and communication technologies on the development of a firm.
The topics covered in the lectures are summarised below:
1. New role of information systems within organisations.
2. Structured design of an Information System; the UML language for defining the functional specifications of a system.
4.  Impact of information technology on the organisational structure and on corporate strategies.
5. Models for the planning and management of information systems.
There will be a written exam in which students must demonstrate their grasp of the material covered during the lectures. There may also be progress tests which substitute for the final examination, and group projects that count toward the final result.
Reading list
Tagliavini, Ravarini, Sciuto, Sistemi per la Gesione dell’Informazione, Apogeo, 2003.
Additional materials distributed by the lecturer (slides, lecture notes …).
A more detailed reading list will be supplied at the start of the course.