Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2008/09

Emotional and relational intelligence II
Aim of the course
Personal intelligence, in other fields also termed "emotional" or "relational" intelligence, is a cross-disciplinary skill indispensable for operating effectively in any working setting.
In fact, the ability to interact with others, map out pathways of personal growth, reconcile differences, communicate one's ideas, and govern the complex world of emotions, is  increasingly explicitly required of successful managers.
The aim of the course is therefore to equip final year Economics students with the tools for cultivating an awareness of the importance of interpersonal relations in the working world.
A second objective is to provide an comprehensive vision of the most effective behaviours and tools for optimally managing working relationships.
The course will be as much as possible experience-based. Students are therefore invited to directly participate in constructing, together with the lecturer, a learning pathway based on maieutics.
The topics covered will be:
1.        Intelligence and intelligences
Empathy at the service of business.
2.        Speaking in public
Communicating effectively in front of an audience.
3.        Self-knowledge
Self-evaluation as a tool for continuing development.
4.        Emotional skills
Understanding emotions and learning how to control them.
5.        Courage, determination, kindness
Investing in oneself in search of excellence.
6.        Listening to others
Listening as a relational tool.
7.        Managing conflict and stress
From differences to confrontation, avoiding conflict.
8.        Change, flexibility, creativity
The multifarious vision as an instrument of innovation.
9.        Relational flexibility
Learning techniques for improving relationships.
10.     Negotiation
Finding a solution to the problem together.
Reading list
Bianchi GM, Di Iorio L. Inascolto – piccolo contributo ad un nuovo modo di lavorare, Uniservice 2007
Birkenbihl V. F., L'arte di intendersi, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2003
Covey S. R., Le 7 regole per avere successo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2004
Gardner H – Formae Mentis – Cortina 1986
Goleman D., Lavorare con intelligenza emotiva, Bur, Milano, 2000
Watzlawick P., Weakland J.H., Fisch R., Change, Astrolabio, Roma, 1974
additional further reading
Assagioli R., L'atto di volontà, Astrolabio, Roma, 1973
Birkenbihl V. F., Segnali del corpo - Come interpretare il linguaggio corporeo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1993
Bone D., L'arte di ascoltare - Come ottenere molto di più nello studio e nel lavoro diventando buoni ascoltatori,
Burley-Allen M., Imparare ad ascoltare, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1996
de Bono E., Creatività e pensiero laterale, Bur, Milano, 2001
de Bono E., Sei cappelli per pensare - Manuale pratico per ragionare con creatività ed efficacia, Rizzoli, Milano, 2001
Ferrucci P., Crescere, Astrolabio, Roma, 1984
Ferrucci P., La forza della gentilezza, Mondadori, Milano, 2006
Milano, 2002
Frankl V. E., La sfida del significato, Erickson, Trento, 2005
Gardner H – Cambiare Idee – Feltrinelli 2005
Hillman J., Il codice dell'anima, Adelphi, Milano, 1997
Maslow A. H., Verso una psicologia dell'essere, Ubaldini, Roma, 1971
Nardone G., Correggimi se sbaglio, Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2005
Nardone G., Cavalcare la propria tigre - Gli stratagemmi nelle arti marziali ovvero come risolvere problemi difficili attraverso soluzioni semplici, Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2003