Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2008/09

Emotional and Relational Intelligence (leadership)
The Emotional and Relational Intelligence course for the academic year 2008-2009 is supported by the following three partner companies:
Instrumentation Laboratory
Instrumentation Laboratory-Werfen Group is an international company which has been active since 1959 in the sector of in vitro diagnostics, producing and distributing across the world systems and reagents for hemo-gas analysis, haemostasis, clinical chemistry and autoimmune diseases.
Farmafactoring is an Italian leader in the management of credit to Local Health Authorities and Hospitals and a provider of flexible and personalised services for credit management and recovery, collection accounting, and recourse and non recourse
financing arrangements.
Randstad Italia Spa is part of a Dutch multinational group that is a leading provider of human resources solutions. The company has been active In Italy since 1999, and today has an office in Milan and a network of some 185 branches situated primarily in the Centre and North of the country.
The teaching method adopted is experiential, and aims to develop students' awareness and understanding of emotional and relational intelligence. The 20/30 students who best display the traits of proactivity, courage, respect and emotional balance during the course will be recommended to the partner companies for a fully fledged job interview, thus enhancing their chances of finding employment after their degree. Selection of the students will be based on the lecturer's observations of their behaviour in class, and the opinions of experts in the field.
Aim of the course
The Emotional Intelligence course of the faculty of Business Economics illustrates to students, and allows them to directly experience, certain concepts and skills that will be useful to them even before they start to work, i.e. during interviews when seeking their first job.
Emotional Intelligence is composed of:
Intrapersonal skills (relation with oneself)
- Interpersonal skills (relation with others)
- Skills connected with adaptability, managing stress and creating and maintaining a good general state of mind.

What is Emotional Intelligence at work
Speaking in public, verbal, paraverbal and non verbal communication
Listening to others as a communication tool, in negotiation and in helping relationships.
Opportunities of change. Flexibility as a tool for continuous improvement
Relational flexibility: recognition systems
Listening to oneself as a tool for self-evaluation and as preparation for a job interview.
Managing conflicts, negotiation and creativity
Simulation of job interviews
Corporate case studies: the experiences of the partner companies
Development of personal skills
Managing stress
The course (in 2008, year V students will have 48 hours of lectures) is mandatory and earns 3 credits; the final pass mark can be obtained through:
1.     Active participation or
2.     Written exam or
3.     Oral exam.
1. Active participation means
1.     Attending at least 40 hours of lectures
2.     Showing a propensity to listen attentively (for example, by sitting in the front rows) and asking questions to clear up any doubts.
3.     Not disturbing the lesson by talking with the other students: participants must show respect for whomever is speaking, whether it is a classmate or a lecturer, and the ability to concentrate on what is happening. They should not immediately yield to the urge to tell their neighbour whatever passes through their mind but instead, where appropriate, ask permission to speak.
4.     They will stand out by: asking questions, coming forward when the lecturer asks for volunteers, proactively helping to organise and improve the course.
5.     In preparing the presentations they will display curiosity, commitment, depth of engagement and enthusiasm.
2. Those who cannot or do not intend to actively participate in the lectures have the option of earning the pass mark and 3 credits by sitting a test that will cover material from 6 books:
·         Covey S. R., Le 7 regole per avere successo, , Milano, 2004
·         Sansot P., Sul buon uso della lentezza. Il ritmo giusto della vita, Pratiche, Milano, 1999
·         Nardone G., Correggimi se sbaglio, Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2005
·         Goleman D., Lavorare con intelligenza emotiva, Bur, Milano, 2000
·         V. E. Frankl – Uno psicologo nei lager – Franco Angeli, Ares, Milano, 2002
·         Bianchi G. M. – Di Iorio L., In ascolto, editrice Uniservice, Trento, 2007
The tests will consist of approximately fifty questions, some of them open ended. Students must correctly answer at least 80% of the questions.
3. For those who instead opt for the oral exam, the textbook to read is:
·         Bianchi G.M. , Buonlavoro, editrice Uniservice, 2008

Reading list
·         Covey S. R., Le 7 regole per avere successo, , Milano, 2004
·         Sansot P., Sul buon uso della lentezza. Il ritmo giusto della vita, Pratiche, Milano, 1999
·         Nardone G., Correggimi se sbaglio, Ponte alle Grazie, Milano, 2005
·         Goleman D., Lavorare con intelligenza emotiva, Bur, Milano, 2000
·         V. E. Frankl – Uno psicologo nei lager – Franco Angeli, Ares, Milano, 2002
·         Bianchi G. M. – Di Iorio L., In ascolto, editrice Uniservice, Trento, 2007
·         Bianchi G.M. , Buonlavoro, editrice Uniservice, 2008
·         Assagioli R., L'atto di volontà, Astrolabio, Roma, 1973
·         Birkenbihl V. F., Segnali del corpo - Come interpretare il linguaggio corporeo, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1993
·         Bone D., L'arte di ascoltare - Come ottenere molto di più nello studio e nel lavoro diventando buoni ascoltatori,
·         Burley-Allen M., Imparare ad ascoltare, Franco Angeli, Milano, 1996