Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2010/11

Sistemi di Controllo di Gestione / Management Control System
Aim of the course
The learning objectives are:
1. To study in depth the criteria for the design of advanced planning and control systems.
2. To present the instruments and methods for supporting managerial decision-making in the presence of complexity, with particular emphasis on the Balance Scorecard, and using Activity Based Costing to introduce the rationale of the other cost management instruments. Finally, references will be made to simulation models for the implementation of steering control and the necessary modifications to traditional instruments such as budgets, analytical accounting and reporting systems.
The course is divided into three parts:
Decisions relating to the design of the system for analysing the external environment and strategic positioning of a company.
The charter of strategic objectives (CSO): content and use for defining the mission and the strategic objectives.
Models for multi-year economic-financial simulation.
Decisions relating to the design of the control system: requirements and choice of the method for calculating the costs which characterise the system.
Performance measurement systems.
Balanced Scorecard: translating strategy into action.
Activity Based Costing.
Other cost management methods.
P&C systems as a part of the broader managerial system.
Students who attend lectures will be assessed through the discussion of a business case study analysis/diagnosis project, which will be different for each group of three students, involving the application of the instruments and ideas presented in class.

Students who do not attend lectures will have to prepare the two textbook listed for students who attend lectures, in addition to a third book chosen from the recommended list.
Reading list
For students who attend lectures, the recommended texts for preparing for the exam are:
Bubbio A., Calcolo dei costi per attività, Guerini e Associati, Milano, 2001.
Bubbio A., Balanced Scorecard, per un budget strategico, Isedi, Torino 2006

Recommended texts for further reading:
Kaplan e Norton, Balanced scorecard: tradurre la strategia in azione, ISEDI, Torino, 2000.
Kaplan e Norton, Mappe strategiche,Isedi, Torino 2005
Newman W.H., Direzione e sistemi di controllo, Etas Libri, Milano, 1981.

Other recommended texts:
Atkinson, A., Kaplan, R., Advanced management accounting, traduzione a cura di C. Bianchi e A. Bubbio, ISEDI, Torino, 2002.
Horgren C. - Foster G., Cost Accounting. A managerial emphasis, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, 1997.