Guida dello studente: Scuola di Economia e Management A.A. 2016/17

Piano degli studi Laurea in Economia Aziendale 2016/2017 - Percorso di Business Economics (english version)

The setting of the content is in the first two years, similar to that of other courses. In the third year, the course addresses issues related to global markets and operations in an international context. Students will spend two complete semesters at a partner university abroad.
Professional opportunities: financial consultant, asset manager, trader, dealer, corporate banker, internal auditor, controller, credit manager, auditor of financial statements, financial consultant, management consultant.
I year Credits Sector Sem
Accounting and Financial Reporting 8 SECS-P/07 II
Economics I 8 SECS-P/01 II
Introduction to Computer Science 6 INF/01 I
Management and Principles of Accounting 9 SECS-P/07 I
Mathematics for Business, Economics and Finance 12 SECS-S/06 A
Private and Public Law 10 IUS/01 (7); IUS/09 (3) A
TOEFL iBT preparation
** - -

II year
Credits Sector Sem
Business Law 8 IUS/04 I
Economics II 8 SECS-P/01 I
Statistics 9 SECS-S/01 I
Financial System *
6 SECS-P/11
Manufacturing and Logistic *
6 ING-IND/35
Marketing [English version] *
6 SECS-P/08
Organization and Information Systems *
6 SECS-P/10
Planning and Control *
6 SECS-P/07

III year
Credits Sector Sem
Corporate Finance 6 SECS-P/08 I
Public Economics and Economic History 8 SECS-P/03 (5);
SECS-P/12 (3)
Strategic Management 6 SECS-P/07 II
Tax Law 6 IUS/12 I
Digital Innovation (Models and Tools) 4 - II
Job Market Orientation 2 - A
II Foreign Language 3 - A
International Business Economics
International Financial Markets
Managing Project and Multi-cultural Organisations
Strategic Analysis of Italian Industries
Final paper

Options with placement (stage/internship)
Students who have earned at least 90 credits, may opt for a stage (internship) within a company, organisation, or institution national or foreign. The experience, authorised by the competent University Office, must consist of at least 200 hours of work over a minimum of six weeks and allows the achievement 8 credits. (6 relative to 3 out of 4 courses and 2 of job market orientation)
For a stage of 250 hours of work, over at least 8 weeks, students may choose to write a report on the work done and learning achieved.
* to be taken at a Partner University