(affissione all'Albo Ufficiale dal 24/09/2015 al 30/09/2015)

Corso di laurea magistrale Economia Aziendale e Management - Classe LM-77

International Marketing
(1° Anno)

Dear All,

please familiarise yourselves with the rules of the Labs offered in addition to the International Marketing course by checking the presentation posted in the e-learning space. 

if you are interested in taking part, we ask you to let us know by Monday 28th. Please send an e-mail to ecattaneo@liuc.it

For the International Lab (business game option) in particular, we have a maximum of 30 places and will accept students on a first-come, first-served basis.


Carolina Guerini

Eleonora Cattaneo

Castellanza, giovedì 24 settembre 2015La Segreteria della Scuola