A86047 Human Resources & Project Management in Multicultural Context

Materiale di supporto al corso

Vedi il materiale didattico di altri anni accademici: 2014/15 2015/16 2017/18 2018/19


Anno Accademico 2016/17

Lezioni:   This covers with more details the Game section of the Use of time model (204K)
driver model for differences detection (29K)
driver model for differences detection (36K)
MU or (396K)
3 Multicultural schools (440K)
This covers the Black Box appraoch (21K)
This covers the Black Box appraoch (21K)
it cover the OK corral method (18K)
This part covers negotiation and agreement (49K)
Dispense:   plese find here the pedagogic material relevant to our first two lecturesall the best, Luciano Traquandi (326K)
this PDF covers the relational needs theory (30K)
These PDF cover the OK corral model and the Black Box approach (118K)