F82640 The economics and law of international trade

Materiale di supporto al corso


Anno Accademico 2011/12

Lezioni:   last set of slides of the LIT course (146K)
fourth set of slides of the LIT course (342K)
The economics and law of international trade part 3 (3966K)
The Economics and Law of International Trade part 2 (185K)
The Economics and Law of International Trade parte di international trade (770K)
Dispense:   Europe_in_world_trade_1_2012 (1898K)
Europe_in_world_trade_2_2012 (484K)
Europe_in_world_trade_3_2012 (620K)
Europe_in_world_trade_4_2012 (219K)
Europe_in_world_trade_5_2012 (1562K)
Europe_in_world_trade_6_2012 (398K)
Europe_in_world_trade_7_2012 (110K)
Europe_in_world_trade_8_2012 (4980K)
Varie:   Reading 1. Russia joins the WTO (381K)
Reading 2. The new trade policy of the European Union (278K)
Reading 3. Working together for growth (2012) (128K)