Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale
Academic Year 2014/15 Second Semester
| Docente Titolare | Giacomo Buonanno | E-mail | | Office | "Torre" (main tower), 2nd floor | Phone | 0331 572323 |
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course students will be able to use, implement and design databases and database management systems.
The DataBase design will be afforded both at the conceptual and logical design level.
Learning targets
At the end of the course students will be able to use, implement and design databases and database management systems.
The DataBase design will be afforded both at the conceptual and logical design level.
Course Content
The course is organized into the following parts:
Introduction to DataBases and DataBase Management Systems (DBMS)
DB design at the conceptual level (ER model)
DB design at the logical level (relational model)
Implementation of simple DBs using appropriate tools (MS Access)
Course Delivery
The course includes:
lectures, aiming at presenting design methodologies both at the conceptual and the logical design level,
practical lessons in computer laboratory to apply the methodoligies to actual DB implementation.
Course Evaluation
Evaluation is based on different assignments, written test and practical solution of given problems.
in order to have access to the complete syllabus please enter on the student self service