A78602 Manufacturing Strategy

Scuola di Economia e Management
Scheda Insegnamento
Anno Accademico 2015/16 Secondo Semestre

Docente TitolareCarlo Noe'
UfficioEdificio Torre Sesto Piano
Telefono0331 572283

Risultati di apprendimento attesi

Contenuti dell’insegnamento

The topics of the course are:

- Industrial Design and new product development: from the idea generation to the business plan

- New concept generation: techniques and tools

- Engineering: from the idea to the industrial product

- Operations: supply chain design and production system definition

- After sales: organizing and managing after sale

Metodologia Didattica

The course will be based on active learning, with the use of case studies and project works

Modalità con cui viene accertata l’effettiva acquisizione dei risultati di apprendimento.

The final exam will be based on:

- the evaluation of assigned projects and works

. an oral individual discussion

Per accedere al syllabus completo entrate nel selfservice studenti