A82730 European contract law

Scuola di Economia e Management
Academic Year 2017/18 First Semester

Docente TitolareAlberto Malatesta
Office"Torre" (main tower), 3rd floor
Phone0331 572372

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course the student will be able:

  1. to pinpoint the rules governing contracts within the European Union;
  2. to cope with the main issues concerning contractual matters, with special reference to sale contracts.

Learning targets

This course aims at providing students with a thorough understanding of the complex system of rules governing contracts within the European Union. This will be achieved by analysing the acts already adopted by or applied within the European Union in matters of contracts. Special attention will be on sale contracts and the protection tools given to consumers when involved in such transactions. In a global perspective, a comparison with existing international instruments in the same field will also be proposed.

Course Content

Starting from some preliminary remarks on the power of the European Union to regulate private law and the role of the Internal Market goal and different models of market integration in the development of a body of a European contract law, the course will provide a general overview of the existing rules enacted by the European Union in contractual matters. Special focus will be on sales law. A detailed coverage of some of the main acts governing business and consumer sales within the European Union will be provided. Due consideration will also be given to the 1980 Vienna Convention on International Sales of Goods (CISG), the Consumer Sale Law Directive 1999/44/EC and Directive 1993/13/EEC on unfair terms in consumer contracts, as well as to collective redress of consumer rights. Relevant case-law will also be examined.

Course Delivery

The course will run under a workshop format requiring active students’ involvement. Lectures are held throughout the entire semester. Students are responsible for learning the material before coming to class and for providing a meaningful contribution to the discussion led by the instructor.

In preparing for lectures students are required to know any detail of the required readings.

Students are responsible for consulting on a regular basis the website of the course on “my.liuc.it” where updates, additional material and slides about the course are posted.

Course Evaluation

For students attending classes, grade is based on class participation and on the presentation of the case studies proposed by the teacher. All other students should pass an oral examination.

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