L14703 European Internal Market Law

Scuola di Diritto
Scheda Insegnamento
Anno Accademico 2017/18 Secondo Semestre

Docente TitolareSergio Di Nola
UfficioEdificio Torre Terzo Piano
Telefono0331 572270

Obiettivi di apprendimento attesi

At the end of the course the student will be able to solve problems raising one or more of the various legal issues connected with the European single market. 

Risultati di apprendimento attesi

The course aims at providing students with an in-depth understanding of the legal regime of the European internal market, apporached in a broad perspective.

To this purpose, fundamental provisions laid down in the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) on both free movement (of goods, services, persons and capital) and competition, as interpreted by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), will be dealth with. Some of the key instruments enacted by the EU legislature will be covered as well.

Contenuti dell’insegnamento

This is an advanced course of EU law. Accordingly, a good knowledge of the main features of EU legal system, although not mandatorily required, is highly recommended.

The course deals with the legislative framework aimed at ensuring the establishment and the proper functioning of a Europe-wide "internal" market, embracing the territories of all Member States.

In this perspective, the course will cover, on the one hand the "fundamental freedoms", that is the complex of rules aimed at ensuring that goods, services, persons and capital freely move from one Member State to another. This includes not only the basic provisions laid down by the TFEU, preventing national rules from hampering intra-EU trade (so-called "negative integration"), but also legislative acts adopted by EU institutions in many different areas, which harmonise national rules whose diversity may hinder market integration (so-called "positive integration").

On the other hand, the course will offer an insight into also in EU competition rules, concerning either undertakings (prohibitions on anti-competitive agreements and abuse of dominance) or Member States (State aid).

In all cases, due attention will always be paid to the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Union.

Metodologia Didattica

The course will be interactive, requiring active students’ involvement. Lectures are held throughout the entire semester.

Students are responsible for learning the material before coming to class and for providing a meaningful contribution to the discussion led by the instructor; they are required to provide accurate and sensible answers and comments whenever personally quizzed by the instructor (it will happen several time during each lecture) and to contribute new and original ideas.

Students are responsible for consulting on a regular basis the website of the course on “my.liuc.it” where updates, additional material and slides about the course are posted. No excuse will be accepted for any failure during the course they may incur into due to a delayed consultation of the website.

Review questions will also be duly scheduled and submitted to the students twice during the course.

Modalità con cui viene accertata l’effettiva acquisizione dei risultati di apprendimento.

Students attending classe will be verified during the course through both discussions and debates and review questions.

For all students an oral examination will take place at the end of the course.


Lezione 1
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


Introductory remarks: the Internal Market as a legal concept.


S. Weatherhill, The Internal Market as a Legal Concept, Oxford, 2017, ch. 2 Finding the Internal Market in the Treaty, 3-13.

Lezione 2
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


Market integration in the EU.

I) Economic reasons for market integration.

II) Political reasons for market integration.



  • C. Barnard, The Substantive Law of the EU. The Four Freedoms, Oxford University Press, 4th ed., 2013: Chapter 1, Introduction to the issues, 3-30

Further readings

  • European Commission, White Paper on Completing the Internal Market, COM(85) 310 final
  • European Commission, Communication on A single market for 21st century Europe, COM(2007) 724 final
  • M. Monti, Report on A new strategy for the single market, 9 May 2010
  •  European Commission, Communication on the Single Market Act, COM(2011) 206 final
  • European Commission, Communication on Single Market Act II, COM(2012) 573 final
  • Integration and Competitiveness in the EU and its Member States, Commission Staff Working Document, (2015)
  • Upgrading the Single Market: more opportunities for people and business, and the accompanying A Single Market Strategy for Europe – Analysis and Evidence, Commission Staff Working Document, COM(2015) 550 final
Lezione 3
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


The nature of the Internal Market

The Freedoms of Movement within the EU Internal Market: general overview.

Models of market integration.


  • Snell, The Internal Market and the philosophies of market integration, in C. Barnard, S. Peers (Eds.), European Union Law, Oxford University Press, 2017, 310-338.
  • Arts 28-37, 45-48, 49-55, 56-62, 63-67 TFEU
  • Art 101-109 TFUE
Lezione 4
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


The proposed method for understanding freedoms of movement: A three steps analysis.

1) The scope of the freedoms of movement.


  • ECJ, Case 7/68, Commission v. Italy (the art treasures case)
  • ECJ, Case 66/85, Lawrie-Blum
  • ECJ, Case C-55/94, Gebhard v Consiglio dell’Ordine degli avvocati e procuratori di Milano
Lezione 6
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


1) The scope of the freedoms of movement.


  • ECJ, joined cases 286/82 e 26/83 Luisi & Carbone
  • ECJ, joined cases C-159/12 and C-161/12 Venturini & Ors
Lezione 7
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


2) The notion of “obstacle” to free movement in the case law of the Court of Justice: General overview of TFEU provisions.


  • ECJ 11 July 1974, Case 8/74, Dassonville
Lezione 8
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


2) The notion of “obstacle” to free movement in the case law of the Court of Justice: The discriminatory approach.


Lezione 9
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


2) The notion of “obstacle” to free movement (of goods, services and establishment) in the case law: Mutual recognition.



  • ECJ 20 February 1979, Case 120/78 Rewe-Zentral, s. c. Cassis de Dijon
  • ECJ 25 July 1991, case C-288/89 Gouda
Lezione 10
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


2) The notion of “obstacle” to free movement (of goods, services and establishment) in the case law: Mutual recognition and free access to the market.


Court of Justice case law

  • ECJ 24 November 1993, Joined Cases C-267/91 and C-268/91, Keck et Mithouard
  • ECJ 10 February 2009 , Case C-110/05, Commission v. Italy (trailers)

Further suggested readings

  • J. Snell, The notion of Market Access: A Concept or a Slogan?, in (2010) Common Market Law Review, 437 ff.
Lezione 11
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


2) The notion of “obstacle” to free movement (of goods, services and establishment) in the case law: Mutual recognition and free access to the market.


  • ECJ, 10 May 1995, Case C-384/93, Alpine Investments
  • ECJ, 15 December 1995, Case C-415/93, Bosman
  • ECJ, 28 April 2009, Commission v Italy (Motor insurance)
Lezione 12
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


3) Justifications to restrictions on free movement.


  • C. Barnarnd, The substantive law of the EU, 5thed., OUP, 2016, chapters 6: Derogations and justifications and 13Derogations, limitations conditions and justifications
  • N.N. Shuibhne, Exceptions to the free movement rules, in C. Barnard, S. Peers, European Union Law, 2nd ed. OUP, 2017, p. 477 ff.
Lezione 13
Ore di lezione: 0
Docente: S. Bernasconi


Free movement of companies in the internal market.



  • 25 October 2017,Polbud - Wykonawstwo sp. z o.o.,Case C-106/16,
  • 16 December 2008, CARTESIO Oktató és Szolgáltató bt., Case C-210/06,
  • 5 November 2002, Überseering BV v Nordic Construction Company BaumanagementGmbH (NCC), Case C-208/00
  • 27 September 1988, The Queen v H. M. Treasury and Commissioners of Inland Revenue, ex parte Daily Mail and General Trust PLC., Case 81/87
Lezione 14
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


The role for secondary law in the proper functioning of the internal market.


  • C. Barnard,The SusbtantiveLaw of the EU, OUP, 2016, 5th edition (or latest edition), chapter16Regulating the Internal Market
  • S. Wheaterhill, The Internal Market as a Legal Concept, Oxford 2017, chapter13:The Legislative Dimenstion: Harmonisation, p. 151 ff.
Lezione 15
Ore di lezione: 0
Docente: S. Bernasconi


The harmonisation of company law.


Lezione 16
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


Regulating services in the internal market: The Services Directive.



  • 4 July 2016, Prontoimpresa and others,Joined Cases C‑458/14 and C‑67/15
  • 1 March 2018, Colegiul Medicilor Veterinari din România (CMVRO) v Autoritatea Naţională Sanitară Veterinară şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor, case C-297/16

Other readings

  • C. Barnard, The SubstantiveLaw of the EU, Oxford, 2016 (or latested.), chapters 10.D and 11.D
  • C. Barnard, Unravellingthe Services Directive, in Common Market Law Review, 2008, p. 323
  • S. Weatherhill, Promotingthe Consumer Interest in an Integrated Services market, Europa Institute, Mitchell WorkingPaperSeries, 2/2007
Lezione 17
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


EU competition Law: an overview.

Arts 101 and 102 TFEU.


  • C. Barnard, S. Peers, European Union Law, 2nd ed., Oxford, 2017, chapter 17: Competition Law, p. 509 ff.
  •  Schütze, European Union Law, Cambridge, 2015, Part III, chapter 17: Competition Law I:Private Undertakings
Lezione 18
Ore di lezione: 2
Docente: S. Bernasconi


Review Session.


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