N90402 Management Principles and Human Resources

Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale
Academic Year 2017/18 Annual

Learning Objectives

Main learning objectives are:

a) understanding and using financial statement information

b) understanding and using tools for supporting decision making: financial accounting, managerial accounting, capital budgeting,

c) understanding and using tools for strategic analysis and strategic decisions

d) analysing organisation and human resource management

Learning targets

At the end of the course students will be able to understand companies' financial, operational, strategic and organisational issues

Course Content

Main topics of the course are:

a) what is business administration

b) the company: strategy and strategic analysis

c) techniques and tools for supporting decision making: financial accounting, managerial accounting, capital budgeting

d) organisation and human resource management

Course Delivery

The course includes traditional lessons, case discussions, test examples, project works

Course Evaluation

The final evaluation is based upon:
1.writtent test
2.project work about organisation
3.oral exam

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