A83025 Entering emerging markets: organisation, distribution and pricing

Scuola di Economia e Management
Academic Year 2018/19 Second Semester

Docente TitolareMarino Monzini
Office"Torre" (main tower), 7th floor

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course the student will be able ;

a )  to understand how to evaluate the different emerging markets in term of dimensions and complexity

b )  to build a business plan , for the chosen markets , how to succesfuly develop  in term of portfolio products including the pricing aspects, the distribution and advertising /promotion

c)   to design an appropiate organisation able to support the business plan

Learning targets

Enlarging the capacity of the students to confront themselves with new scenarios and new cultures and been able to propose solutions even if all the data are not available but following a a coherence in their approach

Course Content

Using also some real examples , the course will go through the process  and criteria which have to be followed in the evaluation of  the differents emerging markets and define the approach in order to develop ,succesfuly, them.

Tha main points which will be investigated are the following

a)   regulations

b )  market potential and the consumer segmentation which are strongly influencing the positionong

c)   competition in term of offer  , pricing , advertising and promotion

d)   distribution and how to manage it and the influence of e-commarce on the ominichannel strategy

e)  logistics aspects and the impact of the digitalisation

f)  organisation adapted to this new markets


Course Delivery

he course will be run via a worksop format requiring a strong an active involvement of the students  . Lectures will be held through the entire semester .Students are responsible for reading the suggested material before coming to the lessons  and for providing a strong and active contribution to the discussion led by the instructor. The students will be" pushed" by the instructor  to express their comments and develop new ideas.

On top the required readings will be invited to extend their lectures to articles of intenational news papers which , some of them will be discussed during the lessons.

Course Evaluation

The course evaluation will be based on a case construction by the students group.During the course will be intermediate evaluation based on case discussion.


Session 1
Hours of lesson: 3
Instructor: M. Monzini


Emerging markets, who are they, their characteristics, how to choose them.


Materials distributed and discussed during class.

Session 2
Hours of lesson: 3
Instructor: M. Monzini


Which brand and product, demand segmentation and positioning strategis in emerging markets.


Materials distributed and discussed during class.

Session 3
Hours of lesson: 3
Instructor: M. Monzini


Push and Pull Strategies in Emerging Markets.


Materials distributed and discussed during class.

Session 4
Hours of lesson: 3
Instructor: M. Monzini


Distribution models in emerging markets and the impact of e-commerce in the omnichannel strategy


Materials distributed and discussed during class.

Session 5
Hours of lesson: 3
Instructor: M. Monzini


Route to market and organizational processes in emerging markets.



Business planning in emerging markets: case studies (materials distributed during class).

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