Scuola di Ingegneria Industriale
Scheda Insegnamento
Anno Accademico 2018/19 Secondo Semestre
| Docente Titolare | Giacomo Buonanno | E-mail | | Ufficio | Edificio Torre Secondo Piano | Telefono | 0331 572323 |
Obiettivi di apprendimento attesi
- to provide a basic notions regarding the IT and digital innovation
- to develop a deep understunding of the issue on information management and strategy within an organization
- to develop a deep understunding of the issue on information management and strategy across organization in a supply chain or a cluster of firms
- to develop the ability to analyze and manage business evolution in relationship to the adoption of IT in general
Risultati di apprendimento attesi
Learning targets
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
- describe the use and function of management information systems
- describe and evaluate information systems development processes and techniques
- identify and evaluate hardware and software requirements for information systems
- evaluate data management technologies
- explain the security risks associated with management information systems
- develop knowledge on the most recent digital technologies
Contenuti dell’insegnamento
Classes will be held by both LIUC faculty professor and Grenoble School of Management (France).
In synthesis, the lectures will cover the following main topics:
- the role information and IS within organizations
- the relationship between IT and the structure the processes and the strategy of he organization
- the susteinability of IS strategy and the IS strategic plannig
- software applications and IT systems for IS management: the role of "IT solutions" (e.g. ERP systems, KMS, CRM systems) with respect o business processes and strategies
- IS development: approaches and methods to build and manage IS
- digital innovation enabled by recent internet-based technologies (Internet on Things, Big Data and Analytics, RFId, ...)
- tools and frameworks shape on individual cases and problems, handling the complex and systematic relationships of various functions and issue (feadibility study, business process modelling)
Metodologia Didattica
Face-to-face. Classes will include speech of experts coming from different firms and dealing with key topics of the course. The usage of online platforms for sharing documents might be considered.
Modalità con cui viene accertata l’effettiva acquisizione dei risultati di apprendimento.
- Attendance adjustment: 10%
- Class partecipation and cases/assignments discussion; 40%
- Final written exam: 50%
Class partecipation assesment
- Frequency: you regurarly contribute to class discussion
- Quality: you contribute quality comments
- Respect: you behave responsably in the classroom
- Listening: you listen attentively to other students and the instructor
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