Academic Year 2019/20 First and Second Semester
Learning Objectives
This course is specially addressed to all students that already have an average- advanced knowledge of Italian language.
It aims to present students with an insight into the Italian cultural life and endeavours to refine the students writing and communication skills.
Learning targets
They will be given the opportunity to revise and improve their Italian.
Achievement of level C1 Level of the common European framework of reference: A.L.T.E.
It includes a wide range of long and complex texts and recognize implicit meaning. It is expressed with ease and naturalness. Can use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional. Can produce clear, well-structured, detailed text on complex subjects, showing controlled use of organizational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.
Course Content
At the beginning of the course there will be grammar revision :
The lexicon comprises approximately from 1000 to 1500 words
During the lessons the students will be able to improve their communicative abilities and their vocabulary as well about different aspects of the Italian way of life with texts ,newspapers and publicity. Also to improve to write : CV or letters or documents
Course Delivery
Students will be given the course material to use in class and for homework The lessons are based on a communicative approach and on everyday life situations the schemas and basic language structures will be highlighted so that students can acquire a basic knowledge and mastery of the English language.
Lessons will be held in Italian and only if necessary, the teacher will give explanations in English Classes usually have a duration of two hours with a short break
Students are required to consult the website of the University "my" to know the schedule of classes and the number of classrooms
The course is mandatory frequency
Course Evaluation
will be awarded based on :
27 % = mark max 8
-on attendance = max mark 3 (minimum 75%)
-on partecipation = max mark 2
-on intermediate test = max mark 3 = 10 item, each error= - 0,3
20% oral exam= voto max 6. Oral Presentation on subject with marks = 3-4-5-6
50% written exam= mark max 16= 8/9 exercises (total 80 item , each error = - 0,2)
will be awarded based on:
33% oral exam = mark max 10 (marks = 2-4-6-8-10)
(Interview, an illustration for the development of a "role-play situation"
and some vignettes in sequence to be described)
67% written exam= mark max 20 = 9 exercises (total 132 item, each error = - 0,15)
N.B. It’s no possible use the dictionary or other books during the tests and exams