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General information for Gianecchini, Martina

How to contact this person:
"Torre" (main tower), ground floor


When you are in the University, to call the person you dial the last 3 digits of the telephone number
Student consultation times
Notice board

Course units that this person teaches Academic Year: 2024/25

D13021 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management Lezioni
Dipartimento in Gestione integrata d’impresa, Corso di Dottorato in Discipline Manageriali, Finanziarie e Giuridiche per la Gestione integrata d'Azienda

D13021 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management Lezioni
Dipartimento in Gestione integrata d’impresa, Corso di Dottorato in Management, Finance and Accounting

D13021 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management Lezioni
Dipartimento in Gestione integrata d’impresa, Corso di Dottorato (D.M.45/2013) in Program in Management, Finance and Accounting

D13021 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management Lezioni
Dipartimento in Gestione integrata d’impresa, Corso di Dottorato (D.M.45/2013) in Program in Management, Finance and Accounting

D13021 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management Lezioni
Dipartimento in Gestione integrata d’impresa, Corso di Dottorato (D.M.45/2013) in PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting

D13021 Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources Management Lezioni
Dipartimento in Gestione integrata d’impresa, Corso di Dottorato (D.M.226/2021) in PhD Program in Management, Finance and Accounting

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