Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2007/08

Tax Law
Aim of the course
This course gives students a basic overview, within a framework of essential constitutional principles, of the rules and regulations which govern the principal taxes that affect business activities: income tax, value-added tax, and the regional production tax.
The part of the course devoted to income tax will place greatest emphasis on corporate income, examining the general and specific rules for its determination.
The teaching approach will seek to develop students' ability to identify and reason about problems, also through discussions of case studies drawn from the decisions of the courts and from ministerial circulars.
1.    Definition of tax.
2.   The constitutional principles of legality and ability to pay.
3.    General principles of taxation: premises of the tax, paying agents, collecting agents, determination of the taxable base and payment of the tax.
4.    Obligations and tax audit procedures: tax declaration, notice of assessment, the collection function.
5.   Jurisdictional protection.
6.    IRPEF (Italian personal income tax).
6.1   Premises and paying agents.
6.2   Determination of the taxable base and payment of the tax.
6.3   Corporate income: source; Income tax return and financial statements; general rules for the allocation of revenue items over time; assets of the firm and determination of their cost; positive components; general rules pertaining to negative components; negative components; valuation of inventory, valuation of supplies and services and works having multi-year duration; valuation of securities.
6.4   Other categories of income: property income; capital income; income from subordinate employment, income from self-employment and sundry income.
 7.     IRES (corporate income tax).
7.1   Premises and paying agents.
7.2   Subjective categories and determination of the taxable base.
7.3   Subjective categories and payment of the tax.
 8.     VAT:
8.1  Premises: objective, subjective and geographical profile of taxable transactions; allocation of taxable transactions over time.
8.2   Non taxable transactions and exempted transactions.
8.3   Mechanism of application: formal obligations; settlement; payments; statements.
9.     International tax cooperation.
There will be an oral examination at the end of the course.
Reading list
The recommended texts to prepare for the exam are:
For the general section: Falsitta, G., Manuale di diritto tributario, parte generale, Cedam, Padova, latest edition (only the following sections: ch. 2; ch. 6).
For the special section: Falsitta, G., Manuale di diritto tributario, parte speciale, Cedam, Padova, latest edition (only the following sections: ch. 2; ch. 3; ch. 5, ch.11, par.6).
Students may also use other books, but these should be agreed upon beforehand with the lecturers.
In addition, both for preparing for the exam and to get the most out of the lectures, students are advised to purchase an up-to-date tax code book.
For example Falsitta, G., Fantozzi, A., Le leggi tributarie fondamentali, Giuffrè, Milano, latest edition.
For more information about the course, refer to the additional materials and information page.