Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2008/09

Production and Logistics Management
Aim of the course
Students will acquire the elements necessary for understanding the structural and managerial factors which determine the competitiveness of a production and logistical system. The course is divided into three parts.
The first part deals with strategic production decisions, illustrating the different types of production systems in relation to the characteristics of products and their life cycle.
The second part deals with the measurement of global production performance, in terms of productivity, quality, flexibility and service.
The third part of the course is devoted to logistics, and looks at how product and material flows from suppliers through to end clients are managed by the production and distribution structures. Special attention is given to the methodological approaches and inventory management techniques (according to pull and push models), and to production planning and control.
Part one:
1.   The role of production in the company system.
2.   Analysis and criticality of the different production processes:
2.1     Production to order.
2.2     Lot production.
2.3     Series production.
2.4     Process production.
3.   Comparison between different types of production processes.
Part two:
4.   Measurement of production performance:
4.1     Production potential and productivity.
4.2     Quality of products and processes.
4.3     Service and flexibility.
Third part:
5.   Analysis of the logistics system:
5.1     Global logistics cost and level of service.
5.2     The system for managing logistics activities.
6.   Sales forecasting methods.
7.   Inventory control methods:
7.1     Pull methods: fixed quantities and fixed times.
7.2     Push methods: MRP and MRPII.
8.   Production planning:
8.1     Managing the master production schedule.
8.2     Managing the operational production plan.
9.   Managing materials replenishment.
The course relies on a variety of lesson formats: lectures, devoted chiefly to presenting the main topic areas; tutorial exercises during which the ideas are examined more in detail, and complementary topics introduced; case studies illustrating certain specific aspects; individual or group projects on assigned topics. During the individual or group work, students will be assisted by the faculty who are also available to provide any further explanations, clarifications or information.
There will be a final examination. The overall result will also take into account the intermediate progress tests open to students who attend lectures during the year.
Reading list
Reference texts and lecture notes :
Chase R.B.,  Jacobs F.R., Aquilano N.J., Grando A., Sianesi A.
(2004), Operations Management nella produzione e nei servizi, Mc Graw-Hill, Milano.
Sella C., Secchi R. (a cura di), Gestione della produzione e dei materiali – Dispensa ed esercizi, Guerini, Milano, 2005.
Additional recommended reading:
Grando, A., Organizzazione e gestione della produzione industriale, Egea, Milano, 1997.
Schmenner, R.W., Produzione: scelte strategiche e gestione operativa, Il Sole 24 Ore Libri, Milano, 1995.