Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2008/09

Tourism and Cultural Asset Management
Aim of the course
Students will gain an understanding of the workings of firms operating in the cultural and tourism sectors, and of the changes and transformations that these sectors have been experiencing in the past few decades.
After illustrating the specific attributes of the culture and tourism sector from an economic perspective, the course adopts a business-economics approach to investigate the workings of culture and tourism organisations, and the potentialities and limitations inherent in cultural tourism, discussing the implications of the cultural-tourism promotion policies deployed in different contexts.
Considerable scope is devoted to analysing the available data on the tourism and culture sector, with a view to understanding the changes currently taking place, as well as to discussing case studies of culture and tourism organisations, and presentations by operators in the sector.
1.     Introduction to the culture and tourism economy
a.     Conflictual relationship between economics and culture
b.     Supply and demand of culture
c.     Role of the state and of private players in the culture sector
d.     Economics of the tourism sector
e.     Supply and demand of tourism
2.     Functioning of cultural organisations
a.     Museums
b.     Libraries
c.     Theatres and live performances
d.     Organisations involved with the other art forms
3.     Functioning of tourism enterprises
a.     Managerial peculiarities
b.     Organisation of the tourism supply chain
c.     Destination management
4.     Tourism and culture
a.     Potential and limitations of cultural tourism
b.     Sustainable development strategies for cultural tourism
There will be a written exam. Additional group assignments and tutorials may be set during the course, and will count toward the final result.
Reading list
Articles and further reading materials selected by the lecturer and communicated at the start of the course.
Alberti, Bernardi, Moro (2005) La gestione delle organizzazioni museali. Milano: Guerini Scientifica
Alberti, Bernardi, Moro (2005) I musei fanno sistema: esperienze in Lombardia. Milano: Guerini e Associati
Alberti  La gestione strategica dei distretti culturali, di prossima pubblicazione
Bernardi, Le biblioteche e il mercato del libro: analisi del settore e prospettive di sviluppo, di prossima pubblicazione