Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2008/09

Global Markets and Economic Policies (Topics in global markets)
Aim of the course
The course aims at developing a solid understanding of the profound changes in today's global marketplace. The pace and scope of changing technologies and markets require an integrated approach, unifying macro- and micro-aspects.
It is intended for students who expect their careers to be influenced by trends in international trade and investment. Many students will engage directly in commerce and finance across national borders.
The course is organized into two major modules
Module 1: Topics in global markets
1.  Introduction to globalization
2.  Domestic and international business: what are the differences?
3. The global trade and investment environment
Module 2: International monetary economics
1. The theory and practice of exchange rate determination
2.  Policies and institutions for the international financial architecture
3.  Elements of international financial allocation: theory and practice
A more detailed syllabus will be distributed at the beginning of the course
Evaluation in this course is based on class presentation and  written exams at the end of the course.
Reading list
Hill C.W.L., International Business, 6th edition, McGraw-Hill 2006
Copeland, L.S., Exchange Rate and International Finance, 4th ed., Prentice Hall, 2005.

Additional material will be suggested at the beginning of the course and will be posted on the web page of the course:
     for Module 1:
     for Module 2: