Student guide Faculty of Law A.Y. 2008/09

English Language (with TOLES Certification)

Michele Puglisi
English language teachers:
Terry Bland, Judith Cella, Leda De Waure, Andrew Hackworthy 

Informatica (laboratorio di informatica) (alfabet
French, Spanish, and German language teachers:
Sylvie Jedynak, Laura Maria Valota, Susanna Maugeri

Informatica (laboratorio di informatica) (alfabetInformatica (laboratorio di informatica) (alfabet
The aim of the courses, after evaluating the student'sinitial level, is to impart a progressively stronger command of the written and spoken foreign language, with particular emphasis on legal terminology. Students are therefore encouraged to actively participate in the lessons, which will include readings from Law& Economics textbooks as of the 1st year. The ultimate objective of the English learning path is to make the transition from "studying the English language" to taking "courses taught in English" in subject areas relevant to the particular study discipline, preparing students to pass the internal exams and obtain one of the Certificates (TOLES, ILEC, BEC and TOEFL) required by the second-level degree.
Obtaining a language Certificate earns credits that count toward the yearly total. Students who already have a language Certificate obtained elsewhere should immediately submit it to the Language Centre for validation.
The lecturers will assist students in selecting the most appropriate Certificate to study for and will give out all the necessary information in class.
Informatica (laboratorio di informatica) (alfabet
English is the lingua franca of social, cultural and professional communication within the University, and is promoted through international exchanges, courses taught in English, and the use of English-language textbooks on specific subjects of relevance to future graduates in Law.
An entrance test will be used to group newly enrolled students into different levels, according to their initial knowledge of the language. The English language courses are offered in years I, II, III and IV,and students are required to pass the internal exams (5 credits) as well as obtaining an approved language Certificate (5 credits). Regular attendance at class is essential for passing the examinations and obtaining the international Certificates. These include, in particular, the TOLES –Test of Legal English Skills, the ILEC – Cambridge International Legal English Certificate and the BEC –Cambridge Business English Certificate. It should be noted, in this regard, that Cattaneo University is an official examination centre for all the above Certificates as well as for the TOEFL, which is now offered in a new internet-based version. The internal examinations may be either written or oral, depending on the year, and are generally preceded by progress tests taken in class.
All students are therefore invited to contact the lecturers at the Language Centre, to discuss their individual cases and obtain further information. There are in fact extra study modules available, as well as an individual language tutoring service, which can be used to supplement the official language course.

Informatica (laboratorio di informatica) (alfabet
Elective second language courses
On request of a sufficient number of students, language courses for Spanish, French and German can be offered.
These courses, which are elective but with compulsory attendance for student who enrol, will be assessed by both written exams (end of 1st semester) and oral exams (end of 2nd semester). Attendance at a second language course and passing of the exam (5 credits) will be recorded in the student's curriculum and counts as aspecialist subject exam.

Reading list
Informatica (laboratorio di informatica) (alfabet
The course programmes, textbooks and reading materials, and the test and examination methods for each course, will be communicated to students at the start of lectures, and can always be viewed on the university website.
However all the courses, irrespective of the student's starting level, will cover the following topics:
1. The language of law.
2. The legal system and the legal profession.
3. Legal English and Business Law.
4. Contract Law.
5. International Certificates.