Student guide Facoltą di Economia A.A. 2009/10

Sustainable Economic Policy and Management
Aim of the course
The course intends to provide an inter-disciplinary understanding of the principles, policies and practices of socially and environmentally sustainable economic policy and business strategy.
  1. Sustainable Economy: key-concepts, currents of thought, contemporary issues
  2. The long view: natural resources management and environmental changes in historical perspective, from Neolithic to our times
  3. The wide view: principles and practices of sustainability across the contemporary societies, from tribal to post-industrial
  4. Sustainable land-use and natural resources management
  5. Energy, environmental change, and related economic issues
  6. Environmental sustainability and social responsibility in business
  7. Strategic application of information and communication technologies (ICT) for sustainable economy: ICT in eco/socio-compatible business strategy  and ICT in public policy for sustainable community development
  8. International cooperation for sustainability: protocols, treaties and enforcement mechanism
  9. Changing paradigms in life-style and consumption pattern: global citizenship for sustainability and new business horizons
  10. The future of planet and people: an interdisciplinary future-view (strategic foresight and alternative scenarios).


The evaluation and final marks (score) of the students depends upon:
  • Quality of participation in the classroom (attendance, interaction)
  • Small group project work and reporting (tutored by senior researchers of the Interdisciplinary Unit for Sustainable Economy, LIUC)
  • Individual written paper (home assignment)
  • Final comprehensive oral exam.

Reading list
Assi, J.,  Carletti, C. & Klaus, R., Per un nuovo dialogo tra mercato e società (in Italian) SUPSI, Manno (Switzerland, 2006
Beder, S., Environmental principles and Policies: an Interdisciplinary Introduction, Earthscan, London, 2006
Bhat, V.N., Total Quality Environmental Management: An ISO 14000 Approach, Quorum Books, Westport (Conn., USA), 1998
Desta, A., Environmentally Sustainable Economic Development, Praeger, Westport (Cennecticut, USA), 1999
Goldin, I. & Alan Winters, L. (eds.), The Economics of Sustainable Development, Cambridge University Press, U.K., 1995
Hornborg, A. & Crumley, C. (eds.), The World System and the Earth System: Global Socio-environmental change and Sustainability since the Neolithic. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek (Calif., USA), 2007
Mol, A. P. J., Globalization and Environmental Reform: The Ecological Modernization of the Global Economy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, 2001
Pant, D. R. (ed.), Antropologia e strategia: saggio sull’essere umano e sull’economia sostenibile (in Italian), Guerinin Scientifica, Milan, 2004
Reports of CIESIN (Columbia University), European Commission, UNDP, UNEP, Yale University Environmental Policy and Law Center, Worldwatch Institute, World Resources Institute, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
More institutional links will be provided and several printed articles will be handed out in the classroom.