Student guide International Program A.Y. 2009/10

Aim of the course
This course will allow students to understand what supply chain and operation management are and to comprehend how supply chain management impacts all areas of the company. The objectives of analysis are the single company and the supply chain.
The course is divided into three parts:
1.      The first part of the course focus on the comprehension of the main company’s area involved in supply chain management, with a specific reference to the SCOR Model. There will be an analysis of the main strategies (insource vs outsource , pull vs push) and globalization issues.
2.      The second part of the course  will deepen the supply chain processes:
a.      Demand Planning and Forecasting
b.      Production Planning
c.      Sourcing and Procurement
d.      Manufacturing Management
e.      Warehouse Management
f.        Distribution Management and Logistics
g.      Performance Management
3.      The third part of the course will focus on advanced topics:
a.      E-commerce and logistics system design
b.      Manufacturing restructuring strategy
c.      Supply chain collaboration (tools and methodologies)
d.      Supply chain information systems
e.      Supply chain trends.
It will be used a combination of frontal class teaching, class discussions, exercise and case studies.
The final exam will be a written exam.
Reading list
It is recommended to use the English text book and the notes that the professor will load on the university web site.
In English (recommended):  Chase R.B.,  Jacobs F.R., Aquilano N.J. (2004), Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, Mc Graw-Hill,  Boston
In Italian: Chase R.B.,  Jacobs F.R., Aquilano N.J., Grando A., Sianesi A.
(2004), Operations Management nella produzione e nei servizi, Mc Graw-Hill, Milano.