Student guide International Program A.Y. 2009/10

Sistemi Informativi / Information System Design
Aim of the course
The course intends to provide students with the instruments required to understand applications of information technology and telematics in a company setting. In particular, the course aims to:
1. provide basic notions on the technology utilised for managing information.
2. Closely study the problems of managing an information system in a company
3. Examine the transformation of a business after the adoption of internet based technologies.
By the end of the course students will have acquired the management capacity necessary for understanding the impact and the potential of new information technology and of telecommunication enterprise.
The in-depth knowledge of the technological aspects will help students to understand potentials and limits of each technology, and to acquire elements useful for the technologies evaluation. The course will also analyse technological scenarios, with the aim of helping student to interpret developments in the fields.

1. The role of an information system in an organisation, with particular attention to e-business.
2. Technological and management aspects of an information system in companies
3. The impact of information technology on an organisation's structure and competitiveness
4. Models for information system planning and decision-making.
5. Software application for business information structured management: data base, company's information system architectures, ERP systems
6. Evolution of the Information Technology and telecommunication sector: application services scenarios.

The examination consists of a written test on all the topics covered in the lectures. During the course there might be progress tests substituting the comprehensive one and group projects to integrate the exam.
There will also be two progress tests given during the course
Reading list
Schultheis, Sumner, MIS: the Manager's view, McGraw Hill, Milano 1997
Further reading , material will be distributed by the lecturers (slides..).
- G. Schneider, J. Parry: Commercio elettronico, Apogeo
- G. Bracchi, C. Francalanci, G. Motta, Sistemi informativi e aziende in rete, Mc Graw-Hill.
- K. Laudon, J. Laudon, Management Information System, Prentice – Hall International Editions.
- J. Hoffer, J. George, J. Valacich, Modern Systems Analysis & Design, Addison – Wesley