Student guide Facoltą di Economia A.A. 2004/05 Lauree Specialistiche

System thinking and strategic development (Learning Organisation Discipline)
Aim of the course
This course will face theoretical, practical and appliable aspects related to managerial disciplines recently developped with reference to system thinking, strategic development and organizational learning as main incentive for the development of a competitive sustainable advantage in a context of globalizing economy.This course foresees four levels of learning:
1.       basic elements of knowledge through the utilization of "quick view" at LIUC web page (e.g. articles, definitions, cases and themes already prepared);
2.       possibility of making simulations using business simulators (in a laboratory or from home);
3.       learning Labs as learning space through group interaction and exchange of experiences and perspectives;
4.       lectures in a class-room enriched by individual/group exercises, case study discussions, simulation games, personal role playing, computer simulations, audiovisuals.
This Course is focused on two main issues: System Thinking and Strategic Development.
The first issue is based on Peter Sange approach,  developed in his famous book "The fifth discipline".
In this area, the main topics are:
1.       reflective thinking;
2.       thinking and acting;
3.       system thinking;
4.       system dynamics;
5.       system archetypes;
6.       system modelling;
7.       simulator and symulation.
The second issue is based on the contribution of Alessandro Sinatra, "Architettura Strategica d'Impresa" (1994) in particular on the model about Strategic Development.
This field is also developed on the "Business Strategy Course" in the first term,  so this course is a natural prosecution of that.
This theoretical contribution will be developed in this course as following:
1.       internal and external context:
1.1   microstructural dimension (Individual mental model, team mental model);
1.2   macrostructural dimension ( Resources, organizational structure, learning organization routines );
2.       core organizational caracteristics:
2.1   leadership in all organizational levels;
2.2   sperimental space and Strategic Change;
3.       vision and Competencies:
3.1   vision;
3.2   competencies.
Concerning the general part, the examination will take place on written basis. The participant's evaluation will depend also on a specific "theme" previously agreed with the teacher.
Reading list
Senge P., La quinta disciplina, Sperling, Milano, ultima edizione disponibile.