Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2010/11

Second Foreign Language French
Aim of the course
The Italian university reform has introduced the teaching of a second European Union language, in addition to English, for faculties of Economics.
At the time of enrolment students must therefore choose which second foreign language, out of those offered by the university, they intend to take.
The additional foreign languages offered are Spanish, French and German.
The courses are held during the 3rd Year (1st and 2nd Semester). Attendance is compulsory.
Admission to the language courses and examinations is open to all students, even if they are beginner-level. Obviously, an elementary knowledge of the chosen language is helpful, but there are also extra remedial and preparatory courses available.
Information about the textbooks, course programs and written and oral examinations will be given by the lecturers during class. Please note that the second language examination is mandatory, earns credits, and therefore contributes to the overall average.
Also for these languages, it is possible to obtain accredited Certificates and Diplomas.