Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2010/11

The economics and law of international trade
Aim of the course
The course aims at analysing the main issues of international trade from both the law and the economic perspective. This will allow students to have a thorough and inter-disciplinary knowledge of one of the most sensitive subject in the life of the international community.
1.  Introduction to globalization.
2.  What are the causes of international trade?
3.  Income distribution effect of international trade.
4.  International movements of capital and labour: an introduction.
5.  The role of government in international trade: the instruments of trade policy.
6.  Protectionism vs. liberalism from an economic perspective.
7.  International negotiations: Regionalism and multilateralism.
8.  WTO from an institutional point of view.
9.  The discipline for trade in goods.
10. The protection of intellectual property related to trade.
11. Article XXIV of GATT 1994 as the instrument for "guiding" regional trade agreements towards a "building block" model.
12. The WTO provisions on trade defense instruments.
13. The law of the WTO dispute settlement procedure.
Reading list
Materials to be provided by the professors.