Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2010/11

Doing Business Around the World (In English)
Aim of the course
The lectures aim to provide a comprehensive economic overview of “Doing Business Around The World,” underpinned by a discussion of the political and economic framework and an analysis of specific, industrial sectors. Also, ppt. case studies will be an integral part of the course methodology.
Unlike other research efforts in your graduate classes, this course 1) involves primary data collection, 2) is conducted under close guidance from your instructor throughout the semester- focusing on meeting various milestones, and 3) is accompanied by one-on-one meetings with the instructor. A significant “take-away” from this course will be the analytical benefits from guided independent research. Overall, this intensive work in one area should complement the more general knowledge acquired in other graduate courses.
In order to fulfill the entire course requirements, students must meet specified milestones for project assignments, designed to lead to a well-researched and original paper on a selected topic, approved by the instructor, approximately 30-40 pages in length, which answers a relative research question.
The instructional methodology of the course modules through didactic class discussions will strike a balance between economic theory and practice, within the context of both developed and emerging countries experience. Particular attention is given to evolving economic ideas amplified in a country overview; political overview; economic overview; corporate/enterprise sector; environmental trends; and forecast scenarios.
Course Modules:      Instructional Format for the Class Sessions
Module I.                   Country Overview
A.  Economic Highlights
B.  Current Data
C.  Comment and Analysis
Module II.                 Political Overview
A.  People, History, Government
B.  Political Conditions and Government Organization
C.  Foreign Relations and Defense Resources
Module III.                Economic Overview
A.  Economic Conditions
B.  Macroeconomic Activity
C. Key Sectors
Module IV.                Corporate/Enterprise Sector
A.  Investment Overview
B.  Taxation
C.  International Supply Chain
1. The lectures address the increasing complexity in today’s global markets and provide a blueprint, on how management and organizations should conquer these demands.
Module V.                  Global Environmental Trends
A.   Environmental Issues
B.   Globalization Effects
C.   Pollution Trends
Module VI.                Global Forecast Scenarios
A.   Most Likely Five-Year Global Scenario
B.   Second Most Likely Five-Year Global Scenario
C.   Third Most Likely Five-Year Global Scenario
Reading list
Required:         1. Collins, Good to Great and Good to Great Diagnostic Tool
                              2. Kaplan & Norton, The BSC Framework
As specified above for each instructional module and selective readings TBA by the professor.