Student guide Faculty of Economics A.Y. 2010/11

Extraordinary Transactions
Aim of the course
The course covers some of the most important extraordinary transactions which occur during the rationalising, optimising or restructuring of a firm or group of companies.
The changes undergone by the firm during the course of such transactions, are analysed by looking at their accounting and tax implications, as well as their repercussions on the company's external statements.
Special attention is given to how this affects the valuation of balance sheet entries and interpretation of the summary schedules, which of necessity demands a careful study of the complex regulatory framework and the underlying economic factors.
1.      Presentation of the course. "Extraordinary" transactions and items.
2.      Valuation appraisals and capital-value configurations.
3.      Transformations.
4.      Transformations. Exercise.
5.      Definition of "company" and "company branch".
6.      Sell-offs.
7.      Sell-offs. Exercise.
8.      Capital contributions.
9.      Capital contributions. Exercise.
10.  Mergers.
11.  Mergers. Exercise.
12.  Demergers.
13.  Demergers. Exercise.
There will be a written examination.
Reading list
-          Course notes “Extraordinary transactions”.
-          Study materials distributed by the lecturers.
Recommended reading:
- “Le operazioni di gestione straordinaria”, Perotta-Garegnani, Giuffrè - Milano
- “Operazioni straordinarie”, Dezzani-Dezzani-Santini, Egea - Milano
- “Bilanci e operazioni straordinarie”, Confalonieri, Il Sole 24-ore - Milano
- “Trasformazione, fusione, conferimento scissione e liquidazione della società”, Confalonieri, Il Sole-24 Ore - Milano
- “Fiscalità e bilanci straordinari”, Andreani, Egea - Milano
- “Le perdite permanenti di valore”, PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Il Sole-24 Ore - Milano