Students can choose one of the following textbooks to revise for the exam, and should consult the lecturers in advance about the parts to be studied and specifically analysed (if this has not already been indicated during lectures):
· Comoglio, L. P., Ferri, C., Taruffo, M., Lezioni sul processo civile, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2006 (vols. I-II).
Or alternatively:
· Mandrioli, C., Diritto processuale civile, Giappichelli, Turin, latest edition (vols. I, II, III and IV).
Students can choose one of the following textbooks to revise for the exam, and should consult the lecturers in advance about the parts to be studied and specifically analysed (if this has not already been indicated during lectures):
· Comoglio, P., Della Vedova, P., Lineamenti di diritto processuale societario, Giuffré, Milan, 2006 (recommended course textbook).
Or alternatively (and for in-depth study):
· Sundry authors, La riforma delle società, Il processo, Sassani, B., (ed.), Giappichelli, Turin, 2003.
· Mandrioli, C., Diritto processuale civile, Vol. III, I procedimenti speciali di cognizione, Giappichelli, Turin, 2003 (pp. 291 onwards).
· Arieta, G., De Santis, F., Diritto processuale societario, Cedam, Padova, 2004.