Student guide Facoltą di Economia A.A. 2005/06 Lauree Triennali

The Regulations and Economics of the Global Market (Diritto Commerciale Internazionale)
Aim of the course
The underlying theme of the course is the need for regulation in general and the need for agreed and acceptable institutions to create those regulations.
The rate at which the world is regulating is increasing. De-regulation is a myth. What is happening is that local regulations are being abandoned and new types of regulations are being developed either at the continental or global level.
The governmental and non governmental institutions which are participating in this continental and global re-regulatory race need to be understood and the forces which give them utility and effectiveness need to be examined.
The course will be divided into two parts: the first is an introduction to the major concepts in international trade theory and policy, the second concentrates on the regulatory aspects of the international environment.
Part I.
1.      Some stylised facts on the increasing integration of national economies.
2.      Causes and consequences of international trade (the principle of comparative advantage, imperfect competition and economies of scale, international trade and income distribution).
3.      The role of the government in international trade (tariffs and non tariffs barriers; industrial policy and trade policy; the political economy of trade policy).
4.      Formal integration among countries (preferential trade agreements; multilateral agreements (the WTO)).
Part II.
1.   The rule of power and the emergence of the rule of law.
2.   The essential elements for a global rule of law system.
3.   Initial attempts at global regulation.
4.   Regional economic organisations; the EC and NAFTA.
5.   Global economic regulation: Bretton Woods and the WTO.
6.   The freer movement of goods and services leads to the harmonisation of global standards and the institutions necessary to implement them.
7.   The global regulation of competition, environment, labour etc.
8.   The consequences of the failure of international regulators.
9.   The role of NGOs, governments and citizens.
There will be a written exam in English at the end of the course. Incorrect English or spelling will not be penalised. Bad writing and bad presentation will be penalised.
Reading list
A detailed reading list will be distributed at the beginning of the course and will be found at:
Past references include:
Krugman, P. R., Obstfeld, M., International Economics, Addison-Wesley, Reading, 2002, 6th ed.
Piggott, J., Cook, M., International Business Economics, Longman, Harlow, 1999, 2nd ed.
Trebilcock, M. J., Howse, R., The Regulation of International Trade, Routledge, ISBN 0-415-08162-9.