Student guide International Program A.Y. 2005/06

Political European Economic Integration
Aim of the course
1. The beginnings of European integration. EEC and customs union theory and practice.
EEC vs EFTA vs COMECON in post war Europe. GATT and the EEC. The intergovernmental and the supranational element.
2. Intra EC vs extra EC trade as an index of integration. The common commercial policy of the EC, past and present.
3 Deepening and widening the EC/EU: historical perspective and future prospects
4. The concept and role of "cohesion" in European integration
5. The EMU as an experiment: problems and antinomies of macroeconomic integration
6 Game theoretic and evolutionary economics approaches to European integration
7. Greece and European integration: a case study
8. History and economic theory: the case of European integration. Academic "inputs and outputs" of European integration. The interplay between economy, policy, academia. The shifting focus of interest from customs union, to cohesion, to EMU.
At the end of the course students will be required to write a paper.
Reading List
-B. Eichengreen and J.Frieden (1998): Forging an integrated Europe, University of Michigan press, 1998
European Commission (2002): Annual Cohesion Report
P. De Grawe (1997) The Economics of Monetary Integration, Oxford University Press
A. Milward The European rescue of the nation state, Oxford
D. Swann (2000) The Economics of European integration, Penguin (BEST FOR BEGINNERS)
J. Viner (1953) The customs Union isuue, New York