Student guide Facoltą di Economia A.A. 2004/05 Lauree Triennali

International economics (Economics of European integration)
Giovanni Graziani
Aim of the course
Historical evolution of European economic integration. Europe in the world economy. Institutions and economic policy making in the EU. The customs union and the common external tariff. The community budget. The Common Agricultural Policy and its reform. The internal market and the problem of its completion. The European Union’s competitiveness vis à vis the USA and Japan. Industrial policies in the EU. The specialisation model of the European countries. State subsidies and competition. Unemployment and social policy in Europe. Investment and migrations. Structural funds, regional policy and redistribution. The common commercial policy and the EU’s international economic relations. European monetary integration: from EMS to Euro. The enlargement to the East European countries.
1.       Historical evolution of European economic integration. Europe in the world economy;
2.       institutions and economic policy making in the EU. The community budget;
3.       the customs union and the common external tariff. The Common Agricultural Policy and its reform;
4.       the internal market and the problem of its completion;
5.       the European Union’s competitiveness vis à vis the USA and Japan. Industrial policies in the EU. State subsidies and competition;
6.       the specialisation model of the European countries;
7.       unemployment and social policy in Europe. Investment and migrations;
8.       structural funds, regional policy and redistribution;
9.       the common commercial policy and the EU’s international economic relations;
10.   European monetary integration: from EMS to Euro;
11.   the enlargement to the East European countries.
The written exam, held at the end of the course, is complemented by an oral presentation based on a multinational team research undertaken on topics related to European integration.
Reading list
Artis, M., Nixson, F., The Economics of the European Union, Third Edition, Oxford University Press, 2001.
Other material will be distributed during the course.