Economics of European Integration
Aim of the course
This course analyses the economic process of European
integration, stressing the main stages of integration both from the microeconomic
and the macroeconomic point of view. The aim is to allow the student to
understand the basic structure of the European Union and its most important
Prior completion of basic microeconomics and macroeconomics courses.
- Europe in the world economy (SN
ch.1; BW ch.2)
- Historical evolution of European
economic integration (SN ch.2; BW ch.1; AN ch.1)
- The community institutions and
the budget (SN ch.3, 9: BW ch2)
- The customs union and the common
external tariff (SN ch.1, 4, 5; BW ch.4, 5; AN ch.3)
- The EU and the WTO (SN ch.17)
- The Common Agricultural Policy
and its reform (SN ch.10; BW ch.9; AN ch.5)
- The internal market and the
problem of its completion (SN ch.6; BW ch.6, 7)
- The European Union’s
competitiveness vis-à-vis the USA and Japan. (SN ch.15; AN ch.6)
- European monetary integration:
from EMS to Euro (SN ch.8; AN ch.12)
- The theory of Optimum Currency Areas and the costs of a common currency
compared to its benefits (SN ch.8; DG ch.1, 2, 3, 4)
- The European Central Bank and the making of monetary policy (SN ch.8; DG
ch.7, 8)
- Maastricht Treaty, Stability and Growth Pact and fiscal policies in the EU
(SN ch.8; DG ch.6, 9)
- The recent enlargement and its possible impact (SN ch.20; AN ch.4;)
Written final exam:100%. The exam will be based on
the lectures given during the course.
Reading list
Those who wish to deepen their understanding of
the issues involved may address the following Reading list:
- Artis,
M., Nixson, F., (from now on AN), The
Economics of the European Union, Third Edition, Oxford University
Press, 2001.
- Baldwin,
R., Wyplosz, C., (from now on BW), The
Economics of European Integration, McGraw-Hill, 2006
- De
Grauwe, P., (from now on DG), Economics
of Monetary Union, Oxford University Press, 2005
- Senior
Nello, S., (from now on SN), The
European Union, McGraw-Hill, 2005