Scuola di Economia e Management
Academic Year 2014/15 First Semester
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Learning Objectives
In the first part of the course students will have an understanding of:
In the second part of the course the student will be able to apply:
Learning targets
In the first part of the course students will have an understanding of:
In the second part of the course the student will be able to apply:
Course Content
During the first part of the course, each of the fundamental functions and challenges of business enterprises will be discussed. Real life examples of enterprises from sole proprietorships to multi-national corporations will be described and animated with anecdotes from the teacher’s experiences and contemporary reports.
The course initiates with the various forms, legal and descriptive, of business enterprises. There follows a discussion of Accounting, the essential language of business administration, performance measurement and capital allocation decisions. The composition and importance of “The Business Plan”, from creation and initial financing of an enterprise, through its on-going evolution, is addressed in detail. There follows examinations of the multiple functions common to business operation, management and governance; the constituencies that a business serves and with which it interacts; and the outside advisors on which businesses rely. International operation and the inherent cultural and legal challenges are reviewed. Employee incentives and evaluation, at the personal and Board of Director levels are outlined; the perspectives of the students will be elicited. Finally, the development and dynamics of long term business strategy and goals will be outlined.
The financial statement is the key instrument to understand the economic performance and financial situation of companies
The second part of the course covers the accounting principles and the construction of a financial statement.
The program is divided into four main parts:
Course Delivery
The first part of the course will be taught over the period of six weeks generally on Tuesdays and Thursdays, in two 1.5 hour sessions each day. Sessions will be comprised of a lecture followed by a period for student questions and comments. Students are encouraged to share ideas with the class and innovative participation is a meaningful component of each student’s grade.
The second part of the course includes theoretical and practical lessons.
Lectures are held throughout the entire semester. Students are responsible for learning the material before coming to class.
Students are responsible for consulting the course website “” on a regular basis where updates, additional material, slides and exercises maybe posted.
We highly recommend to do the midterm test.
Course Evaluation
For the first part of the course, a Final Exam distributed in the final class will be submitted by e-mail to Professor Benevento within a week. Grades will depend on the final exam (40%), class participation (30%) and three assignments (30%; 10% each). The Professor may give the students “pop quizzes”; each will be weighted equally with the assignments in comprising 30% of the Grade. In all regards, clarity, reasoning and creativity will be weighted heavily.
In the second part of the course the Final Test will be a written exam focused on the topics taught during the course. The attendance to the lecturers and the Review Sessions (2 in total) will be evaluated as part of the final mark.
Session 1 18/09/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Course Introduction and Goals What to Expect from a Business Education Students should consider their business education as “Age of Exploration” of worldwide commerce, and their individual interests and talents. From this vantage, students should identify industries and careers that fit their personalities and competencies and fulfill their aspirations. Handout: Factors in Success Everyone Can Control Suggested Reading (not required): Sun Tzu, Art of War; Machiavelli, The Prince; “The Black Swan of Cairo”, Required : Charles Munger: Psychology of Human Misjudgement Assignment: Describe the predilections to human misjudgment you recognize in yourself or consider most important to overcome. Please email the assignment to the Professor by 5 P.M. September 22. Recognize in yourself or consider most important to overcome. Please email the assignment to the Professor by 5 P.M. September 22. Readings: |
Session 2 18/09/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Course Introduction and Goals What to Expect from a Business Education Students should consider their business education as “Age of Exploration” of worldwide commerce, and their individual interests and talents. From this vantage, students should identify industries and careers that fit their personalities and competencies and fulfill their aspirations. Handout: Factors in Success Everyone Can Control Suggested Reading (not required): Sun Tzu, Art of War; Machiavelli, The Prince; “The Black Swan of Cairo”, Required : Charles Munger: Psychology of Human Misjudgement Assignment: Describe the predilections to human misjudgment you recognize in yourself or consider most important to overcome. Please email the assignment to the Professor by 5 P.M. September 22. Recognize in yourself or consider most important to overcome. Please email the assignment to the Professor by 5 P.M. September 22. Readings: |
Session 3 24/09/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Factors in Success Everyone Can Control Black Swans: Observations on the Financial Crisis Assignment: “How the Economic Machine Works” by Ray Dalio, CEO of The World’s Largest Equity Hedge Fund, Bridgewater Associates Assignment : Please describe how the video changed your understanding of the economy and your personal career plans. Please email the assignment to the Professor over the weekend; not later than Sunday morning September 28. Readings: |
Session 4 24/09/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Factors in Success Everyone Can Control Black Swans: Observations on the Financial Crisis Assignment: “How the Economic Machine Works” by Ray Dalio, CEO of The World’s Largest Equity Hedge Fund, Bridgewater Associates Assignment : Please describe how the video changed your understanding of the economy and your personal career plans. Please email the assignment to the Professor over the weekend; not later than Sunday morning September 28. Readings: |
Session 5 29/09/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: The Enterprise: What is a Company? All companies are ORGANIC, as with the human beings who comprise them, companies grow, transform, as part of natural evolution. In a global economy, marketing products and services retains a local orientation, e.g., Walmart IT Systems. Indeed, internet advertising increasingly personalizes advertising, starting with geographic locale. Introduction to the balance sheet and income statement every student should utilize in managing their personal finances. Readings: |
Session 6 29/09/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: The Enterprise: What is a Company? All companies are ORGANIC, as with the human beings who comprise them, companies grow, transform, as part of natural evolution. In a global economy, marketing products and services retains a local orientation, e.g., Walmart IT Systems. Indeed, internet advertising increasingly personalizes advertising, starting with geographic locale. Introduction to the balance sheet and income statement every student should utilize in managing their personal finances. Readings: |
Session 7 02/10/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Common Functions of Every Enterprise
1.Marketing A.Venture: What business do you want to be in? B.Existing company C.Market size; Demographics; Competition; Barriers to entry; Growth potential; Risks 2.Procurement-Supply Chain/ Distribution to Point of Sale: JUST IN TIME DELIVERY DEFINITION: An inventory/production strategy to increase efficiency and decrease waste by shipping and receiving materials and goods only as needed in the production process, thereby reducing inventory and associated carrying costs and thus increasing return on investment. Just In Time Delivery requires that producers accurately forecast demand. A.Manufacturing B.Retail: The power of brands C.Banking D.Professional Services E.Travel, Leisure, Entertainment F. Natural Resources 3.Distribution to Point of Sale 4.Research and Development: R&D % of Revenue varies by industry; Creating moats 5.Intellectual Property: Protecting moats with Patents and Trademarks 6.Risk Management: Hedging; Insurance; Contingent fee system in US but not Europe; BP Macundo Spill 7.Tax, Legal, and Regulatory Compliance: Tax as Profit Center: e.g.: Google, Ireland. Italy’s struggle with “Nexus” vs. Domicile 8.Finance: To be the subject of a future class Handouts: Organization Chart Readings: |
Session 8 02/10/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Common Functions of Every Enterprise
1.Marketing A.Venture: What business do you want to be in? B.Existing company C.Market size; Demographics; Competition; Barriers to entry; Growth potential; Risks 2.Procurement-Supply Chain/ Distribution to Point of Sale: JUST IN TIME DELIVERY DEFINITION: An inventory/production strategy to increase efficiency and decrease waste by shipping and receiving materials and goods only as needed in the production process, thereby reducing inventory and associated carrying costs and thus increasing return on investment. Just In Time Delivery requires that producers accurately forecast demand. A.Manufacturing B.Retail: The power of brands C.Banking D.Professional Services E.Travel, Leisure, Entertainment F. Natural Resources 3.Distribution to Point of Sale 4.Research and Development: R&D % of Revenue varies by industry; Creating moats 5.Intellectual Property: Protecting moats with Patents and Trademarks 6.Risk Management: Hedging; Insurance; Contingent fee system in US but not Europe; BP Macundo Spill 7.Tax, Legal, and Regulatory Compliance: Tax as Profit Center: e.g.: Google, Ireland. Italy’s struggle with “Nexus” vs. Domicile 8.Finance: To be the subject of a future class Handouts: Organization Chart
Readings: |
Session 9 06/10/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Common Functions of Every Enterprise
1.Marketing A.Venture: What business do you want to be in? B.Existing company C.Market size; Demographics; Competition; Barriers to entry; Growth potential; Risks 2.Procurement-Supply Chain/ Distribution to Point of Sale: JUST IN TIME DELIVERY DEFINITION: An inventory/production strategy to increase efficiency and decrease waste by shipping and receiving materials and goods only as needed in the production process, thereby reducing inventory and associated carrying costs and thus increasing return on investment. Just In Time Delivery requires that producers accurately forecast demand. A.Manufacturing B.Retail: The power of brands C.Banking D.Professional Services E.Travel, Leisure, Entertainment F. Natural Resources 3.Distribution to Point of Sale 4.Research and Development: R&D % of Revenue varies by industry; Creating moats 5.Intellectual Property: Protecting moats with Patents and Trademarks 6.Risk Management: Hedging; Insurance; Contingent fee system in US but not Europe; BP Macundo Spill 7.Tax, Legal, and Regulatory Compliance: Tax as Profit Center: e.g.: Google, Ireland. Italy’s struggle with “Nexus” vs. Domicile 8.Finance: To be the subject of a future class Handouts: Organization Chart Readings: |
Session 10 06/10/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Common Functions of Every Enterprise
1.Marketing A.Venture: What business do you want to be in? B.Existing company C.Market size; Demographics; Competition; Barriers to entry; Growth potential; Risks 2.Procurement-Supply Chain/ Distribution to Point of Sale: JUST IN TIME DELIVERY DEFINITION: An inventory/production strategy to increase efficiency and decrease waste by shipping and receiving materials and goods only as needed in the production process, thereby reducing inventory and associated carrying costs and thus increasing return on investment. Just In Time Delivery requires that producers accurately forecast demand. A.Manufacturing B.Retail: The power of brands C.Banking D.Professional Services E.Travel, Leisure, Entertainment F. Natural Resources 3.Distribution to Point of Sale 4.Research and Development: R&D % of Revenue varies by industry; Creating moats 5.Intellectual Property: Protecting moats with Patents and Trademarks 6.Risk Management: Hedging; Insurance; Contingent fee system in US but not Europe; BP Macundo Spill 7.Tax, Legal, and Regulatory Compliance: Tax as Profit Center: e.g.: Google, Ireland. Italy’s struggle with “Nexus” vs. Domicile 8.Finance: To be the subject of a future class Handouts: Organization Chart
Readings: |
Session 11 15/10/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Administration and Oversight 1. The Organization Chart 2.The Constituency Chart: Shareholders, Debt holders, Managers, Employees, Community, Environment 3. Boards of Directors: Governance Models; Private and Public Companies; Europe; Americas. Buffet; Separation of Management and Ownership: Form over Substance? History of Transformation to “Professional Management” Family Control Creates Superior Long Term Value: DuPont; Ford; Walmart; Google; Luxottica; Fiat; Ferrero; Tata; Newscorp Assignment: John Elkann Fiat Chairman Speaks on Family Business 3.Board Committees 4.Business Ethics: Management stock option Incentives; : “The Coin Flip Trader”; Long-term v. Short-term; Company Culture: No one from Wall Street went to jail in 2008; nor did anyone of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac; or Academics. See, Munger : Psychology Of Human Misjudgement, Https://Www.Youtube.Com/Watch?V=Pqzccfuglws “Psychological Denial”; “Incentive Caused Bias ; “Bias from Self Confirmation and Consistency”; Pavlovian Association (advertising Coca Cola; raising prices increases sales; oil companies followed Exxon in buying fertilizer companies – all disasters); “Killing the Messenger of Bad news Syndrome”; Efficient /market theory—disproved by Berkshire Hathaway, but won Nobel Prize;; Over Influence by Authority. –pilot drives plane into crash, while co-pilot never intercedes 25% of the time; Envy. Jealosy Bias obscures objectivity; Gambling compulsion – validty delusion by your choice; Liking distortion/Disliking distortion—rejection by personal prejudice; ADVISORY BIAS –CHALLENGE highly credentialed advisors —THEY ALWAYS RECOMMEND MORE ADVICE; If Successful People Cheat You Or Even Only Your Customers, Get Rid Of Them, They Will Do It Again !!. MOST DANGEROUS EVNIRONMENT IS WHERE YOU ARE BESET BY A COMBINATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTACKS – AN AUCTION- A BOARD OF DIRECTORS –AUTHORITY FIGURE—NO ONE QUESTIONS—INCENTIVES TO GO ALONG – CEO IS CORRECTED ONLY AFTER DISASTER 5.Roles of Outside Advisors: Accountants; Lawyers; Investment Bankers; Consultants Readings: |
Session 12 15/10/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Administration and Oversight 1. The Organization Chart 2.The Constituency Chart: Shareholders, Debt holders, Managers, Employees, Community, Environment 3. Boards of Directors: Governance Models; Private and Public Companies; Europe; Americas. Buffet; Separation of Management and Ownership: Form over Substance? History of Transformation to “Professional Management” Family Control Creates Superior Long Term Value: DuPont; Ford; Walmart; Google; Luxottica; Fiat; Ferrero; Tata; Newscorp Assignment: John Elkann Fiat Chairman Speaks on Family Business 3.Board Committees 4.Business Ethics: Management stock option Incentives; : “The Coin Flip Trader”; Long-term v. Short-term; Company Culture: No one from Wall Street went to jail in 2008; nor did anyone of Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac; or Academics. See, Munger : Psychology Of Human Misjudgement, Https://Www.Youtube.Com/Watch?V=Pqzccfuglws “Psychological Denial”; “Incentive Caused Bias ; “Bias from Self Confirmation and Consistency”; Pavlovian Association (advertising Coca Cola; raising prices increases sales; oil companies followed Exxon in buying fertilizer companies – all disasters); “Killing the Messenger of Bad news Syndrome”; Efficient /market theory—disproved by Berkshire Hathaway, but won Nobel Prize;; Over Influence by Authority. –pilot drives plane into crash, while co-pilot never intercedes 25% of the time; Envy. Jealosy Bias obscures objectivity; Gambling compulsion – validty delusion by your choice; Liking distortion/Disliking distortion—rejection by personal prejudice; ADVISORY BIAS –CHALLENGE highly credentialed advisors —THEY ALWAYS RECOMMEND MORE ADVICE; If Successful People Cheat You Or Even Only Your Customers, Get Rid Of Them, They Will Do It Again !!. MOST DANGEROUS EVNIRONMENT IS WHERE YOU ARE BESET BY A COMBINATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL ATTACKS – AN AUCTION- A BOARD OF DIRECTORS –AUTHORITY FIGURE—NO ONE QUESTIONS—INCENTIVES TO GO ALONG – CEO IS CORRECTED ONLY AFTER DISASTER 5.Roles of Outside Advisors: Accountants; Lawyers; Investment Bankers; Consultants
Readings: |
Session 13 17/10/2014 Time: 14:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Managing and Providing Incentives for Employees 1.Annual Reviews: The GE Rule: Only the Top 10% Stay. Tangible: Revenue/Profit Generation. Intangible: Leadership; Creativity; Constituent Relationships 2.Things Employee Controls and Does not: “Five Controllable Characteristics that guarantee success”. See Handout Class 1 Assignment: “By What Factors Would You Judge Co-Workers?” Please email the assignment to the Professor by 5 P.M. Monday October 20 Readings: |
Session 14 17/10/2014 Time: 15:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: International 1.Cultural Aspects 2.Marketing and Sales 3.Operations and Procurement 4.Labor 5. Tax, Legal, Regulatory 6.Negotiations 7.Capital Markets Handouts: ummary Comparison of Legal forms of Business Entities REVIEW PRIOR TO NEXT CLASS : FORMS OF BUSINESS OWNERSHIP: Source: UTAH STATE OFFICE OF EDUCATION, “Entrepreneurship UNIT 3.2A, CREATING THE BUSINESS PLAN, A Complete Discussion of Legal Forms of Ownership”. PDF LINK: Allen, Kathleen R., & Meyer, Earl (2006). “Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.” New York: Glencoe, p. 143. Section IIReadings: |
Session 15 22/10/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: International (continued from Class14 October 17) Forms of Business Enterprise 1.Sole Proprietorship – Legal Form, Probably a Corporation A.Touring Sports Professional B.International Scope: Colombo Mobili (Milano) C.Distribution: Baker, Knapp & Tubbs in U.S. D.Antique Shop E.Construction; Trades can build fortunes, see, Generoso Pope F.Car dealership/Franchises 2.Corporations 2.Partnerships and Limited Partnerships: e.g.,Hedge Funds. Law, Medicine, Consulting, etc. 3.Other: Joint Venture. In U.S.: “Sub S. Corporation, LLC 4.Non-Profit: University, Museum, Hospital, Research Foundation
Handout: Balance Sheet; Income Statement: Cash Flow Statement Readings: |
Session 16 22/10/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Management’s Language and its Application Accounting: The Language of Management Every enterprise regardless of size or nationality deploys the common language of management – All will be covered in detail during the second half of this course. US dialect: GAAP; EU, Russia, Hong Kong, India, Australia dialect: IFRS. Start with a student’s individual Balance Sheet. Income Statement; Cash Flow Balance Sheet. Income Statement; Cash Flow Importance of Margins: Gross; Operating: Pre-Tax; After Tax Anecdotal Experience: Hillman; RJR (Red Book); Walmart (Info Systems)
Course Handouts:1) IROR; NPV, and Return of Capital Multiple: 2) IROR Excel; 3) Dupont Formula Readings: |
Session 17 23/10/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: 1.Performance and Identifying Opportunity ROA; ROE; Net Present Value (Vandell Article); “Risk Adjusted” Discount Rate; Payback Period; Rule of 72; Cap Rate; Fixed v. Variable Costs; Margins; Du Pont Formula. 1.Budgeting and Resource Allocation: Hurdle Rate; Cost of Capital; Projection (“Psychology of Conservative Case”); Risk Adjusted Returns (recommended reading: Against the Gods, Peter L. Bernstein) Readings: |
Session 18 23/10/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: 1.Performance and Identifying Opportunity ROA; ROE; Net Present Value (Vandell Article); “Risk Adjusted” Discount Rate; Payback Period; Rule of 72; Cap Rate; Fixed v. Variable Costs; Margins; Du Pont Formula. 1.Budgeting and Resource Allocation: Hurdle Rate; Cost of Capital; Projection (“Psychology of Conservative Case”); Risk Adjusted Returns (recommended reading: Against the Gods, Peter L. Bernstein) Readings: |
Session 19 23/10/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: REVIEW AND BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO “THE BUSINESS PLAN”STUDENTS SHOULD STUDY FOR THE NEXT CLASS OCTOBER 29:POWER POINT : Source: UTAH STATE OFFICE OF EDUCATION, “ENTREPRENEURSHIP UNIT 3.2, CREATING THE BUSINESS PLAN”. POWERPOINT LINK: Allen, Kathleen R., & Meyer, Earl (2006). “Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.” New York: Glencoe, p. 143. Section II:Handout: Business Plan : Giacalone Luca Exam from 2013Readings: |
Session 20 27/10/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: REVIEW AND BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO “THE BUSINESS PLAN”STUDENTS SHOULD STUDY FOR THE NEXT CLASS OCTOBER 29:POWER POINT : Source: UTAH STATE OFFICE OF EDUCATION, “ENTREPRENEURSHIP UNIT 3.2, CREATING THE BUSINESS PLAN”. POWERPOINT LINK: Allen, Kathleen R., & Meyer, Earl (2006). “Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management.” New York: Glencoe, p. 143. Section II:Handout: Business Plan : Giacalone Luca Exam from 2013Readings: |
Session 21 29/10/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: All Begins with “The Business Plan” A.Starting a Company: the plan must address each element common to all business enterprises and project future results. B.Existing Company : The Annual Negotiation; setting the bar.
Finance: Raising Capital to Fund the Business Plan ·Equity Valuation: ·New Business: Present Value of Future Cash Flows; “Risk-Adjusted”; Margin of Safety ·Existing Business: Market Value ·Equity Financing: New Business: Venture Capital Existing Business: Private Equity; Public Markets · Debt Financing ·New Business: not realistic: equity risk for debt returns ·Existing Business: Banks; Public and Private Debt Markets Readings: |
Session 22 29/10/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: All Begins with “The Business Plan” A.Starting a Company: the plan must address each element common to all business enterprises and project future results. B.Existing Company : The Annual Negotiation; setting the bar.
Finance: Raising Capital to Fund the Business Plan ·Equity Valuation: ·New Business: Present Value of Future Cash Flows; “Risk-Adjusted”; Margin of Safety ·Existing Business: Market Value ·Equity Financing: New Business: Venture Capital Existing Business: Private Equity; Public Markets · Debt Financing ·New Business: not realistic: equity risk for debt returns ·Existing Business: Banks; Public and Private Debt Markets Readings: |
Session 23 30/10/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: Review Final Exam Distributed Readings: |
Session 24 30/10/2014 Time: 13:30 Hours of lesson: 1,5 Instructor: F. Benevento | Topics: GUEST LECTURER: FRANCESCA VILLA, CO-OWNER, VILLA ATELIER, |
Session 27 07/11/2014 Time: 10:00 Hours of lesson: 3 Instructor: G. Blandano | Topics:
Readings: E-Book: (Basic accounting- how to prepare and analyze financial statements) edited by Patrizia Tettamanzi, Gaia Blandano, Sophie Goodman, Ipsoa Gruppo Wolters Kluwer and other Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 28 10/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and other Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 29 12/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-book and other Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 30 13/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 31 17/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 32 19/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 33 20/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 34 24/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 35 26/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 36 27/11/2014 Time: 16:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: S. Goodman | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 37 01/12/2014 Time: 14:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: P. Tettamanzi | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 38 04/12/2014 Time: 09:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: P. Tettamanzi | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 39 09/12/2014 Time: 09:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: P. Tettamanzi | Topics:
Readings: E-Book and Teaching Material on the Course Website |
Session 40 10/12/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: P. Tettamanzi | Topics: Review session Readings: |
Session 41 17/12/2014 Time: 11:00 Hours of lesson: 2 Instructor: P. Tettamanzi | Topics:
Readings: |