Scuola di Diritto
Academic Year 2014/15 First Semester
Learning Objectives
At the end of the course the student will be able:
a) to solve problems concerning issues of free movement within the European single market;
b) to elaborate written papers on the issues above, applying the proper theoretical and methodological approach acquired, as regards in particular the case law of the European Court of Justice.
Course Content
The course will provide a detailed coverage of the four fundamental freedoms of movement not only as enshrined in the provisions of the TFEU, but also as implemented by many acts of secondary legislation, some of the most important of which will be thoroughly dealt with (for instance, Directive 2006/123/EC, so called Services Directive). Due attention will be paid to the case-law of the European Court of Justice.
Course Delivery
The course will run under a workshop format requiring active students’ involvement. Lectures are held throughout the entire semester. Students are responsible for LEARNING the material before coming to class and for PROVIDING a meaningful contribution to the discussion led by the instructor. It means to be able to provide accurate and sensible answers and comments whenever personally quizzed by the instructor (it will happen several time during each lecture) and to contribute new and original ideas.
In preparing for lectures students are required to know any detail of the required readings (EU law primary and secondary provisions, case law of the European Court of Justice, but also academic papers from top journals).
Students are responsible for consulting on a regular basis the website of the course on “” where updates, additional material and slides about the course are posted. No excuse will be accepted for any failure during the course they may incur into due to a delayed consultation of the website.
Students are also required to submit written papers and to discuss them in the class. They may work individually or in group, under the supervision of an instructor. Students are supposed to give properly motivated legal advices on cases which raise one or more problems of EU internal market law.
Course Evaluation
For students attending classes, grade is based on class participation (40%) and on the discussion of their written paper (60%). Participation in the experiential lab is an integral part of the course evaluation. All other students should pass an oral examination.