A14002 International Human Resource Management

Scuola di Economia e Management
Academic Year 2015/16 Second Semester

Docente TitolareAntonio Giangreco
OfficeBuilding M11 wing 1, Ground floor

Learning Objectives

1. Understand the complexity deriving from managing people in a multinational company;

2. Comprehend the aim of HRM tools and the different approaches that multinational companies might adopt;

3. Properly and ethically use the main methodologies related to every HR operational system in an international context;

4. Lead personal and team analysis and develop critical thinking of the sustainable use of human resources operational systems in companies operating in international contexts.

Course Content

Role of the HR function in a multinational company, and the required competencies. The HR policies. The complexity coming from an international context. Different approaches: HCN, PCN, TCN. Planning the workforce in a multinational company.

Recruitment and selection of multinational companies: advantages and disadvantages of different approaches. Discussion of a case study.

Issues and complexities in assessing performances across the world. Ethical issues in the use of HRM tools. Compensation systems: expatriates vs. locals. The importance of pre-departure and post-departure training. Discussion of a case study.

Re-entry issues and the management of dual career couple. Strategies evolution of companies going abroad. 

Course Delivery

The course is developed around the discussion of a few case studies.

Course Evaluation

The learning process is assessed through a mix of methods including presentation, team work, individual assignment and peer assessment.

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